The Becoming God

Friday, October 02, 2015

Neville Goddard's Savior: Persistent Assumption

Neville said, "The story of Jesus is persistent assumption" ( That is what the Bible says, too. Persistent assumption will save you. What you need will become.

Moses pondered the question of Jethro -- "His excellence" or "His jutting over." God wants to be known, so to persistent assumption he responds. Who going to a healing meeting is not persistently assuming that God can heal? Neville said, "When it works, you have found him." To Moses' persistent assumption of Jethro God responded, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (Exodus 3: 14): "I come - persistent assumption - his becoming" (my stretch on meaning of Victor Alexander's notes, That is in simple English: "Jethro is my becoming through your persistent assumption."

The Indian Buddhist missionary we call Mark tried to explain this understanding of the scriptures to first century dualistic, literalist Jews: "He reveals the Gospel of Jesus Christ," (Mark 1: 1, Alexander). That is, Scripture is the good news of persistent assumption. Some of them got it, some of them didn't, and the abomination of modern Western Christianity was born.

Little do we realize that persistent assumption is our savior, Jesus Christ. CHOOSE WHAT YOU WILL PERSISTENTLY ASSUME TO BE TRUE, AND IT WILL BECOME. This is the meaning of Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22: 14): "And even today it is said of this mountain (persistent assumption in your mind), 'The Lord will provide'" (Alexander note, parenthesis mine).

As we persistently assume, God-the-powers-of-intelligence-within-us ORCHESTRATES the temporal manifestation of what we assume, as Neville said, "Be it good, bad or indifferent."

CHOOSE GOOD AND PERSISTENTLY ASSUME IT TO BE TRUE. "Pray for those who exploit you and leave you bare, so that you become the sons of your heavenly father, he who makes his sun shine down on the good and the wicked" (Matthew 5: 44-45 Alexander). Jesus Christ, your persistent assumption, is the savior of the world. Rejoice constantly that he is born in you!


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