The Becoming God

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Law of Attraction and Neville Goddard's Rat in a Cage

I think Neville Goddard's most practical and clearly presented lecture was "God's Law and His Promise" ( But my favorite Goddard lecture is "Unless I go Away" ( "Unless I Go Away" is all philosophy; there is nothing practical as a technique in it. Unless you look at it as I do, as a message and theology. Then it is abundantly practical, for the theology is the technique.

In the vision that was the basis for "Unless I Go Away," Neville found himself in a huge field of enormous sunflowers. Each sunflower was incredibly beautiful, had a human face, was fixed in the ground, and moved in unison with all the other sunflowers. Note that. They each moved, all of them together, according to the will of God: "If one smiled, they all smiled; if one frowned, they all frowned." They each did God's will, but they were all fixed -- stuck in the ground. Neville realized that while he could not compare to the magnificence of these sunflowers, he, at least, was free. Next to the field of these magnificent sunflowers was a horrible, ugly dump where they threw all the refuse of the world. In the dump Neville saw a rat. He caught the rat, and he put the rat in a cage. "And then the vision faded."

Hardly practical, unless you know where to look. The vision is a message and a lesson. We put rats in cages because they are rude and disruptive. They spoil things. Prison is a message and a lesson: "You cannot act like that." The people in prison (I am generalizing) have killed people, people who were precious and loved by others -- their family and friends. They have robbed people of things that were precious to them, their cars or jewels or children's innocence or peace or whatever. Prison is not just punishment -- "I served my time" -- it is a message: "Until you learn to act like God, you are going to stay in this cage of death you call 'living in the third dimension.'"

What is practical about that? The way out and up is learning to act like God, which is thinking and opining like him. This is the other aspect of the Law of God. We would let rats out of their cages if they could act civilized. God will let us out of this cage if we learn to act like him. I learned "The Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes" from Rev. John Messer at Melodyland School of Theology -- we need to learn God's attributes of love and grace, mercy and beneficence. If we could just stay out of trouble and use his strength for the support of others, he could let us out.

There was a passage I read in the Bible long ago that said something like, "and they touched not the treasure." This was supposedly a great thing, for God blessed them for NOT touching the treasure or whatever it was they did not touch. I have looked for this passage again in vain. The first time I heard it (audio Bible on the way to work) was when someone in Israel, I think, was doing the opposite and it was creating all kinds of chaos and animosity, so the contrast stuck in my mind. Be enveloped in love and keep your stinking hands off the treasure.

Oh yeah. The Law of Attraction, where treasure is drawn to you because your vibration is magnetic (what a crock). There is nothing wrong with that, except "The Law of Attraction" only exists to deny there is a God PERSON who is guiding and bringing to fulfillment what is CREATED. There is Someone who is interested and who is treasuring you. Do not mess up his day.


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