The Becoming God

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Our Behavior is Due to Our Ignoranced Condition

I admit I sometimes refer to people as "walnuts." They have what looks like a brain, but it does not function. Our brains have the Original Mind, the spirit/consciousness of God inside, but they do not function like it. What we do, the way we behave, is due to the condition of our minds. They are "ignoranced." For the Original Mind, which is life, to become subject to the conditions of this dimension of death and forgetting, it had to forget its nature and imagine that it was OF this dimension. It "ignoranced" itself. You and I as individuals are the Original Mind ignoranced and having become human consciousnesses. We are God dumbed-down.

Let me take the illustration of a walnut a step further: Crack open a walnut and in each hemisphere there is a meat which looks a brain with a left side and a right side. There is a bridge which joins the two halves. Imagine that one half of the meat is the Original Mind spirit-consciousness of God, and the other half is our ignoranced-condition human consciousness, which is controlling our actions and behavior. We are acting under the dumbed-down half. Imagine further that the bridge between the halves has an insulating filter which prevents the human half from perceiving the spiritual half, but does not prevent the spiritual side from perceiving or influencing the human. All this in each brain or person.

We live our lives, or at least we think we do, under the control of the ignoranced human mind. It really is the Original Mind, but it has been self-ignoranced by forgetting in order to be here. Our consciousness is in amnesia. Yet the Original Mind is fully conscious of the human half -- ITS human half. The one Original Mind has been and will be all humans who will ever be. Everything else, too. But "we" are locked into whatever our minds think. We have the ability, like Moses, to pursue wisdom and understanding and to become prophets. Our understanding tells us there is a mature and proper way to act and behave, and that there is an immature and improper way to act and behave. Variance from what is good, right and proper, the mature way God would have it, is sin or "missing the mark."

We all are born in sin -- variance -- due to the ignoranced or "dead" condition of our human consciousness. Due to this death, we live in impropriety until we heed what the Original Mind, God the Holy Spirit, tells us; which is that we are it, God.

Learning the Law (the nature of God himself) and doctrine and mature behavior (consequential to his nature) is a beginning. In conversion and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Original Mind has opportunity to say, "Hello, I am here," but then we are back to trying to act nicely while still under the ignoranced (though a little bit smarter) mind. Some people really get into it and read all the Words of Heaven they can find and practice living appropriately as well as they can. Unfortunately, most people do not realize that God is right here as them.  They continue to consider him far away and influencing their lives by some kind of voodoo remote control.

When what we imagine and pray works, resulting in manifestation, it is also God saying, "Hey! Yo! (Loud whistle) Dude! I am here -- your imagination!" Manifestation is as subtle a "Hello" saying that God is the imagination as a two-by-four up alongside the head, but for some reason, well, ignorance, people do not seem to hear. They think it is their magical magnetic vibration. I suppose they think that Neville Goddard studied the Bible everyday for forty years, after what Abdullah taught him worked and he got his trip to Barbados, just so that he could get more. He studied, of course, because when imagining worked he realized that he had found Him, God, and that God was his "own, wonderful, human imagination."

Bothered by how everyone is acting? Or by just one certain somebody's immaturity? EVERYONE IS BEHAVING IN IGNORANCE. Our behavior and opinions are due to our condition, which condition we all share. We are all God, true, but we are all dumbed down. Get over it. Seek God. There is nothing else to do. He is right there in your brain as your imagination and consciousness. There is no infinite space -- he is imagining it. All of him is right there seeing with your brain and hearing with your brain and feeling with your brain -- not your eyes and ears and fingers. When you see him or hear him or feel him, it is in the imagination. That is where he appears and speaks and touches. That is also where to apply the Law -- in your imagination. That is where to "go" to him: imagine him!


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