Where We Go and What We Become When We Die
From: Tina
To: imagicworldview <imagicworldview@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 9, 2015 1:39 pm
Subject: Re: Reincarnation
You asked fine. In my opinion, Mr. Goddard was hyper-Biblical--"It is all true, every word of it, but not like you think." You contrast "we become re-embodied and that could be male or female but have the same soul," with "we are on a continuous track until we awaken and have the ability to get off (the cycle)." They are really the same thing. Although you are a woman physically, you are a man--"man" at a higher level. I am a man physically, but also a man at that higher level. The "men" we are at that higher level are on a continuous track of slipping down to life in this sphere of death (forgetting) either as male or female physically, and then passing back up to the Light as consciousness--until they (we) develop the ability to get off. Inside, we are imagination that has completely forgotten whether we were male or female previously. We learn what we have got now.
Each time we flip into the consciousness of a human we enter an amnesia of what we are and were. We completely forget the past and our divine nature, usually. Each time is a new body--you certainly would not want me being born from you in this body--my wife says it stinks. As for the previous body of a person born as a child, well, who cares what happens to it except the people stuck with it? The kid certainly does not care. Our consciousness leaves the body and soon forgets this life. If at the higher level we have remembrance of the previous life, fine, but we are not going to know it.
As to where a just-died person goes, try to think past terms of location. If "heaven" is consciousness, we go to other states of consciousness. There is no distance involved, we just stop imagining this. God is imagination, and man is God. We are God's imagining. This is not to say we are not physical also, but the physical universe exists to facilitate the experience of the imagination, which is what we truly are.
We are God's imagination visiting the physical: consciousness (imagining) into the body, and then consciousness (imagining) out of the body. We are what we think we are. We will stop thinking that we are this. If we had thought of being a Far Eastern person, a black, a white, an Arab, we would be. You are what you think you are. Neville thought of being Neville. Think of being what you want to be. Do not get too hung up on the physical. In this body we may see the Lord and get the ability to get off the cycle, but we cannot take this body with us.
Nicely explained, it is exactly what I now believe. I was one who for most of life believed the world to be as it appears until my mom passed away a couple years ago (she had cancer and was in hospice at the end). I saw her in a very vivid dream (I didn't know she had passed away) and she came out walking above me in a robe and my dog who had passed away about 3 years earlier was joyously prancing behind her...the details were so vivid, she never spoke, and I yelled up at her to come down, and that's when the phone rang and woke me up out of the dream - it was the hospital calling to tell me she had just passed away...I knew instantly that there was a whole lot more than meets the eye, and my life has not been the same since because I see the world very differently from what I was taught. I have been a student ever since in search of understanding, and I am a fan of Neville Goddard's teachings because he is really the only one who ties everything together clearly (bible, thought, consiousness, LOA)
Julie A. Designs, at 8:44 PM
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