The Becoming God

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Matthew 11:28 "Come unto Me": How to Go and Where to Go

I have referred to this before, that in 1975 I was in the House of Praise Sunday morning service in Kaimuki, Hawaii, Rod Wilson officiating, and I saw Jesus being scourged and crucified. Yes, it was in my imagination, but as Jesus was being nailed to the cross, he turned his face toward me and said audibly in my brain's hearing, not in my imagination, "Come unto me."

That blew me away. He somehow had the power in heaven to be monitoring my thoughts and emotions, to know exactly when to speak, and had the power to transcend his speech from heaven to audible electric impulses in my brain's nervous system so that I heard him speak. That was a really good trick! He could only do that if he were alive and seated in heaven as God.

I have since figured out that he could know what I was thinking and feeling because he IS my imagination. Transferring up (down?) from imagination to audible in the nervous system is still a good trick, a great trick, but then again, he is God . . . in heaven . . . in my mind.

So he, Jesus, is the fully-conscious-of-being-God imagining that is "ignoranced" to thinking that it is me in my consciousness. And he says, "Come unto me." When he first said that, I wondered, "How the heck do I do that? How can I get to heaven where he is? He says, 'Come,' so I say, 'Yes, I come,' but how do I get there?"

The answer may be for me--us--to remember being him. "Come unto me"--come unto recovering your memory of being the consciousness of God. Remember! "I became this shlub. I. I became thinking that I am him (or her). Maybe I am, but I am first the living spirit of God, the Most High, His imagination." We do not need to go further than our own consciousness within us. THAT is God, Jesus Christ.

To go to him, to remember what we are, we need to learn what God is like. That takes reading the Bible and books like Neville Goddard's and Raymond Holliwell's Working With the Law. God is thinking, noble, gracious, merciful, loving, giving, etc., etc. What he is like, we need to be like, too. We need to make his character OUR character: "This is me," until we are It. Memory returns--and we "come" to Jesus Christ.


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