I Think Neville Goddard Mis-stated What Happens When We Come Back to Life, er, Death
From: Tina
To: imagicworldview <imagicworldview@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Jun 8, 2015 5:37 am
Subject: Reincarnation
Hi Dan,
I am new to all Neville's teachings, and the one thing I am trying to understand is after a person dies (body) what happens to them? Oh and I love your blog..it was your commentary on Victor about the name of God that led me to Neville and my new awakening. I read your profile and saw that you read everything by Neville Goddard..so I said who is Neville Goddard? Well! Was I ever changed...thank you!
Thank you for the compliment and for contacting me with your question. It reminded me of one of the big problems I do have with Neville. I often listened to Neville's lectures on my long commute to work, and his answer to the question you asked was never satisfactory. In fact, it was frustratingly illogical. Neville's opinion is a little hard to pin down because we do not know of what, exactly, he was referring when he talked about his experience with the dead.
Being compelled eternal energy, after we pass we, of course, continue toward our destiny. Neville repeatedly asserted that after a person "dies," he or she finds his or herself conscious as a person about twenty years old with no recollection of being who he or she was previously. I look at kids and remember being a kid and say, "What?" Neville mentioned meeting his former secretary Jack and a couple of older men he knew from Barbados who had passed, all as twenty (or so) year olds. What he does NOT mention is how long those people had been living before his meeting them intersected their lives.
I suspect they had been infants and had grown as normal humans, and then he encountered them in their twenties. The point of the encounters in their twenties was that these people still had the same interests and types of personalities they had in their previous lives. Supposedly, we will too.
But that is not your question. Neville also mentioned talking to groups of spirits about "Woodland," i.e., life here. He said they couldn't believe it, that spirit could be involved with physical matter. Wait until they imagine what it is like and find themselves here! No, that's not it, either.
No, I do not know what happens to us when we pass. "Go to the light," they say. I figure that is Life, where we came from. I can tell you this: I am not afraid of death anymore. Like Neville, I am kind of anxious for it (but I am not going to do anything to accelerate the process). My mom went through it. My dad went through it. My grandparents, my friends and co-workers, my pets, all the animals and the fish in the sea--every living thing that ever lived and is not living now--went though it. Hey, if my hamster can go though it, what do I have to worry about? We have probably been through it many hundreds of times already, anyway. It just goes with being eternal.
I agree with Neville that there is no punishment. It is not reincarnation. We get "restored," as he called it, to being conscious as an entity appropriate to our level of spiritual maturity. About the worst punishment we can afflict upon ourselves is to come back here. I liken "wailing and gnashing of teeth" to crying as a baby born here and having to go through all the afflictions of human experience AGAIN. Ever play soccer? Afflictions are the kicks of the Ineffable guiding us toward our goal. Bless God, we can have the volition to roll toward the goal on our own, then He blocks for us. Is that the right game? We want to be playing the right game.
I am sorry I cannot answer your question more fully. If I get to come back . . .
And please take everything I say with a grain of salt. I would greatly appreciate it if you would try to disprove me and every other teacher you listen to and read. We are all wrong on one point or another (lots). The effort to disprove us will move you along and keep you from getting caught up in cults, and will prepare you for being the great teacher you are called to be.
Dan Steele
Completely aside, I was shocked the other day went I visited youtube.com and saw all the arguments about the name of God and Chasidism and the like. Holy cow! Have people gone insane? They are calling people Satan just because they apply different vowel points to Hebrew words that have never had vowel points. For a God who doesn't have a name! Stupid beyond belief. What about just recognizing that we are Him, and we are supposed to become just like Him.
Hey, guys, we are supposed to put on His character and nature. Group hug!
Oh, something else about being back in Life (Heaven): the unlimited potential of the universe already exists unto the realization of our being the Ineffable, so, from the state of Life, regardless of how long we have stayed there, we can access birth back here at any point in time. How can we go back or forth in time? It is imaginary! We do not have to intersect physical time, but imagined time. I hope that makes sense. Chao!
Hello. I am a Neville scholar as well. The way I understood Neville's explanation of what happens when we "die," is that we return to a younger version of our own self. We return to a time when we were young and healthy and continue forward from there. We do this until we awaken to The Promise.
Since learning this, I understand why certain things happened in my own life and why I made some drastic decisions that, afterward, seemed very odd and changed the course of my life. I believe a version of myself had "died" (maybe as an old lady even) and returned to a younger version of myself (around age 26).
If I had stayed in the situation I was in at age 26, though it was a pleasant enough life, I would have never discovered my true self and never taken this wonderful journey to enlightenment.
So, after years of wondering why I made some strange decisions at the age of 26, I finally understand and am at peace with it, knowing that without it I would have never become enlightened.
When Neville talks about meeting people who have "died" and they don't know they're dead, I believe he is talking about meeting them during his meditation sessions where he would astral project and visit other "dimensions."
He would see people who had "died" in OUR version of reality but had been restored to a younger version of themselves, in a reality just like this one, to continue on from there. And it will continue to happen until each person experiences The Promise that Neville speaks about.
Unknown, at 1:59 PM
Congratulations on your enlightenment.
Re your hypothesis, maybe, maybe. A bit problematic in there being so many concrete realities required for us all to start afresh in as a twenty-something. But I am not about to put it beyond our Source who is doing all this. 'He' already has the end, and we are simply fulfilling it. Wonderful to speculate upon, better to do. Thanks for writing.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:51 PM
This is what i think
w w w . justpaste . it / 11c6p
Anonymous, at 7:36 PM
Hello Everyone,
This YouTube video does an excellent job helping one to understand Neville"s take on
Death and What happens afterwards.
Neville Goddard "Life and Death" (Various Lectures Compilation)
Unknown, at 4:16 PM
Regarding Jennifer's comment: Cripes, I sure don't want to keep rewinding and repeating this "life" over and over until I get it right. Geez, no wonder I'm tired. By the time I was 20, way too many awful things happened to me.
NoThanx, at 4:36 PM
I think it is time for me to reveal what I think we are and what I think happens when we die. Look for my April 25 or 26, 2017, post On What I Think We Are And What Happens When We Die.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:58 PM
We continue this same life over and over experiencing death, sorrow and pain until we find ourselves. "I AM" you are, we all are one. We are ALL GOD! I've seen this. What we are doing now is life and death. We will continue to live and die on this same earth. But when you KNOW you KNOW everything, you see it, you feel it, you KNOW it! You know every word because you realize it's you, it's me, it's everyone! I don't know why I found me. I spent lots of time searching me but I never expected to know what I KNOW for absolute truth, 100% without any doubts what I KNOW NOW! My advice is to search as deep as you can for WHO YOU ARE!
Barbie, at 3:22 PM
It's what he's talking about. But if he See's what I see it's not just during astrol projection. We are as alive as what they are dead. This is life, this is death. Until we hear God and God bears us. ( when you experience this you will know and understand everything) and everyone will. He saw this, I've seen this. I have felt it. To feel infinity with every(thing)(one) you love. We are the creators of our entire life. Just like you and I they are as alive as we are in this same place. I cannot describe where I will go after this life but the feeling is organic times infinity! Find you! I encourage everyone to find themselves. Not who you are by name or by flesh, but dig deep and find your spirit. Imagine someone asking over and over "who are you?" Not who does so and so believe you to be,but who you truly are. Be confident in your flesh and how you believe people perceive you or disregard it altogether. Don't think about anything except for WHO YOU ARE!
Barbie, at 3:37 PM
How did you make for discover that. I read Neville ans other metaphysical books . but d'or instance in my meditation I never seen that.
Anonymous, at 11:38 AM
Anonymous at 11:38,
I am sorry, but whom are you addressing? There are six people above your question, and to what discovery are you asking about? Please be more specific.
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:17 PM
Anonymous at 11:38,
I think perhaps you are interested in what Barbie said above. Right? How do we find that we are who we are? I recently posted a copy of David Lane's How to Meditate and a link to his website. He goes into how to find the thinker who is living us. In a comment above, I don't know if you noticed it, Gracectt gave a link to a youtube video by Nevillution, Neville Goddard "Life After Death" (Various Lectures Compilation). You can cut and paste the link below into your browser or write it down carefully and type it in. I think it might help.
Barbie, if you happen to notice this, how did you discover who you are (if there is more that you can share).
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:02 PM
I talked to barbie. I was repliying to her. She Saïd she has discovered who is she.
And i would like to know how she did, how she did to live the oneness with universe, how she did to experiment that, I would like to see too
. I thought the architecture of the website put m'y reply just below the barbie's response
Anonymous, at 7:47 AM
Yes you're right .No I didn't see the link, the. I will see your article about meditation , but I think I just finishing to read because I have read some article of your website
The for your response and sorry for my bad English I'm French
Anonymous, at 7:54 AM
Dear Anonymous at 7:47 and 7:54,
Thank you for responding and clarifying what you were asking. Yes, the architecture places your comment next, but this comments section, I believe, is meant for comments relative to my post. It really is not a forum or discussion thread. I am interested, too, in how Barbie realized what she says she realized.
Barbie, if you happen to read this, could you explain further what you were doing, what you were thinking, what your frame of mind was, what your intention was, were there some background thoughts, any particular yearning in your heart, a cry or desire that was motivating you, some catalyst thought or revelation that helped you to break through to your realization and awakening?
It would help and encourage Anonymous at 11:38 and many others immensely. If you would take the time to compose it, I will post it for everyone's benefit. If you have a blog and post it, please send us a link.
Thank you,
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 3:58 PM
When I posted this I had been meditating for quite some time religiously. ( I'm going to add that I was raised to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior) it had been years since I'd stepped into a church but my belief in God and Jesus has always stayed with me. What happened to Neville just happened to me. I don't know why exactly. I was very spiritual, very in tune with others souls, meditated daily and prayed ( in the way I thought was right) I'd never knew much about any of this type of stuff until I experienced this. Neville Goddard has been the only person I have found since that explains everything I experienced exactly as I lived it. I just all of a sudden while laying in bed watching TV with my husband started having anxiety, it was almost like I was losing consciousness I seriously thought I was dying when I heard the words and felt the sensation ( it was the feeling of being one with everything and everyone, a feeling that I can't explain) but I'd never felt anything like it. I was comforted with such loving words and told I was God, everyone was God. I was showed life & death, I was showed history. After that happened I "knew everything" it was like everything I heard, saw or read popped out in messages. I was showed everything's energy and being told how to attract that energy
Barbie, at 9:30 AM
I was told what to tell my husband to make him understand it even during him watching a TV documentary I was shown everything they didn't understand and could even pull versus from the Bible at random that made what I was saying seem logical. After three days of seeming as if I lived in the clouds and not having no questions because anytime I had a question I'd get an answer. Be it through someone talking about something random, the radio playing, anything written around me, etc. I'd just hear what I needed to know what I needed. But the more I thought about what I was experiencing the more I started questioning "why me" and why would God only allow few people to know this information. I decided to try and read the Bible and pray for those answers ( because like Neville I wanted EVERYONE to KNOW.
Barbie, at 9:31 AM
I felt that everyone needed to know and see what I was. And I know people's not going to want to hear what happened to me after I picked up that Bible and I don't even know if I can explain it to make people understand. ( my husband knows because he lived it with me and I thank God he loved me and knew that things like this are NOT who I am or how I act) from day one of this I became someone else, but I was told exactly what to say go him so he'd listen without thinking I was crazy, I was even told that I'd be labeled crazy by some but to continue to try and teach others how I "found myself" so they to could be where I was. Anyways, I'm still writing things down that I've seen and things I still randomly see/hear. But after I picked that Bible up it became the worst nightmare of my life. Only certain words popped out and it was as if I was being deceived about God,it was almost like I was reading the words as different people. Something evil ( only showing me words and verses that made it seem like God was evil) as myself ( crying trying to understand what I was reading and seeing, thinking about those I'd lost believing they'd gone to what I was shown as hell for believing in the Bible. It was the scariest time of my life and I could do nothing but read ( only what I was shown to read) and I knew in my heart that it was wrong so when I could find ME ( myself through the voice that wasn't me telling me all these things and showing me ( yes, I lived this (like I was being used as a movie character) just as much as I live now) I saw, lived and was told EVERYTHING about the past, the present and the future. But I knew in my heart that God would most definitely show ALL those he loved this kind of peaceful feeling and not just a few, so as I was saying I prayed to Jesus Christ to show me what was real because by this point I was almost completely lost within myself and I knew that if I didn't figure things out that I would be crazy. After I stared praying for a week straight I did nothing but battle Revelation in my mind, screaming only certain things out loud to my husband. It was not anything I'd ever read out of the Bible because it was made into metaphors in my mind. It was so confusing because it was like a battle between good and evil.
Barbie, at 9:31 AM
I'd read & LIVE parts that sounded like the Bible was trying to deceive me and then other parts making me feel I'd been deceived by the same thing Neville was deceived by. ( whatever happened to me, was telling and showing me that no one would understand Neville because his words were written only for me) it showed me how everything in my life I'd heard, seen, felt, everything was connected to everything in MY life. If I'd met you personally on the street or maybe even on here I would have made that into something to advance me along in life. You on the other hand would not be important to me because it was like I'd lost all importance to me except trying to figure out how to get everyone I knew and met to the state I was in. Now I wouldn't wish it upon ANYONE! If I'd known what was happening from the beginning my battle might not have been so difficult, or maybe if I didn't believe as strongly as I do in God and love those around me as deeply as I do. I have kids & 3 grandsons who are my entire world. I'm their world so when I started feeling nothing but this "I'm one" and floating around like I was on my own cloud running the entire show I knew that God does not want anyone to be so self centered and not value and love their time with family. I feel like I could have done or became ANYTHING I wanted to become, there wasn't ANYTHING I didn't know and understand all the way up until the point that in my heart I knew I wasn't something more special than anyone else to be shown, told and live these things like I was. It was the greatest feeling I'd ever felt until I started praying to God and Jesus then it was a complete nightmare because I was shown the truth and it was the scariest thing I'd ever lived in my life. I was shown ( told and lived) things in the Bible I had never read or heard in my entire life and I'd research and sure enough it was there exactly as God told me and showed me but then I had this other thing trying to pull me back to where Neville Goddard was. It was a battle I didn't even know myself that I'd win. I seriously thought maybe I'd died ( yes, I thought I had died and was just imagining the people around me) my husband was my rock because I couldn't sleep with the lights off, I couldn't think for myself, I would just scream out certain things to him for a week straight ( I still don't know if he even understood what I would tell him but I understood exactly what I was being told and showed to tell him. Then I thought maybe I was getting ready to die, because who just randomly just one day KNOWS all this kind of stuff?! Not me! I knew it was very much real, not an illusion not my imagination, I knew that this was my new world that I was stuck in. I was living it just like I was living my life before it happened. So, I assumed I was going to die and I was being judged for everything I'd did in life because my entire life had became a movie after this happened. If my husband did not love me I have no doubt I'd been committed into a crazy house. It scared him plum to death but he would hold me and although I only heard part of the words he'd say there at the end they were the exact words I needed to hear to get me through everything
Barbie, at 9:35 AM
. Not once did he call me insane or even question what I was living because I think it scared him to badly to even ask. I am a very, very strong minded woman and he knows this so I'm sure he was as scared as I was. I seriously thought if I didn't die I was going to end up completely crazy because these things were in my mind 24/7 and any time I was in the dark I could not handle the things I was hearing, seeing and living. I felt so much evil around me for a week straight I refused to turn the lights off at night and would just sit in bed living this hell. I'd hear something research it, see something research it and live things as I was in a movie and research it.. I was NOT me idk who was trying to take me over or what was but I know that I pray to God that although I'm still not completely over it that I don't ever get to that point again. The only good thing that's come out of this was as an adult I now know and understand most of the Bible and I have also found things I was told after being saved from this in Scriptures and books that are not in the Bible I'd been taught by. I am 100% without a doubt a believer in God & Jesus Christ. If I ever doubted it before I most definitely don't anymore. I understand that this entire world is ran by the devil now and I have seen and felt God's ( Jesus) love for us. Like a parent tho we cannot make our children do anything and he's given us all the free will to reach out to him if we wish or to follow false teachings if we wish as well. Idk exactly why or how this happened to me. I believe my third eye has always been slightly open because I've witnessed things before as a child that others hadn't but now that I've been able to research things more I honestly believe I opened my third eye completely somehow ( maybe meditation) idk. But I do know that the Devil ( something very evil) is very much real as well. I'll never be back to who I was before completely but I feel myself being able to live a little more each day after going through all of that. It was very, very scary. It really makes you worry about those you love ( kids, spouse, grandkids, family) because it's really confusing trying to sort through what's really the wrong way and the right way to go in life. Being wealthy, healthy and just 100% beautiful at everything sounds very appealing but knowing what's after this life is far more beautiful than any of those things is my choice for myself and my family. I saw it all. I saw that life here and then death.. I saw hell, I saw just DEATH for those who are not bad but just don't believe. And I saw things that I didn't even know in life that God promised until this happened and I was able to pull myself together and sure enough I found everything I was showed and told. I had no idea there was anything beyond just a heaven in the sky or that God made covenants with people and even their children if you found him and proved your faith and love in him.
Barbie, at 9:35 AM
I knew nothing at all about "new age religion" until this happened to me and after I realized that's exactly where something evil was leading me to and I lived though this experience I know now that the things I was doing not realizing I was following a religion ( deep & different types of meditation, Astro projection, trying to see people's souls and feel their energy better than what I could already) I didn't realize that I was doing anything except trying to help myself destress and unwind after a long days work. It made my sex life extraordinary after meditation, I slept better by Astro projecting before bed at night and I loved feeling my husband's energy and mine combined. Since this has happened I've been afraid to do any of those things. A few times I've listened to frequency music but if it's dark I'll start seeing lights and I'll continue to hear the frequency long after it is turned off so needless to say I haven't even done that very much. I don't even know if any of those where the cause but still I'm afraid to go back to living that again. Well, that's my story and experience. I hope maybe it might help someone.. Good luck with whatever you choose in life.
Barbie, at 9:36 AM
Thank you very much, Barbie, for such an overwhelming response. I will place all of this in its own post as soon as I am free to. Thank you again.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:39 PM
Aug. 5, 2017,
It occurs to me that we all are of the Original Mind, the field of Life-Intelligence which has annexed these human brains. Perhaps the "about twenty-years-old" is when we annex a second or subsequent brain, as Jennifer Ynacay in the first comment suggested.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 6:52 PM
Wow really thank u to explain what you happened. It was a great experience, a great and intense experience, the first time I read your story, I was a lil bit afraid. I said in my mind, that I don't want to live that , because its look like creepy.
Just to be sure , the experience turn into nightmare when you beginning to see war between good and evil ?
In all case , live this kind of things looks like good , I would like to experiment him, I want know "everything"
When I was child I believed in JC too but, my faith evolves and now I don't believe in JC. Now I just know truth, about our live and who I am
Anonymous, at 8:25 PM
Nobody will look
Gdf h uuu, at 2:52 AM
If each individual advances at their own pace, how can they live their same life again and again if the people in that life might have advanced quicker or slower and therefore haven't returned again? Everyone, parents, siblings, spouses, cousins, grandparents, uncles, aunts would all have to live it again with you. If not, if it's a completely different set of family and people, then it really isn't the same you at all living again. It's closer to a similar form as the original you but a very different life. Almost getting closer to reincarnation, which I hope does not exist.
Anonymous, at 6:40 PM
For myself, I have not bought into our living the same lifetime again. I think we go on in another imagined lifetime working out, if necessary, states encountered previously and experiencing new states.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:41 PM
I've been reading a great deal about Neville. I was recently introduced to him through a SuperSoul Sunday between Wayne Dyer and Oprah. None of us can deny someone else's vision or direct experience of reality, whether of this physical world or a metaphysical reality. My own particular philosophy is to be very wary of anyone who has all the answers and is not in awe of the great mystery we know as life. To have all the answers is a soft form of fundamentalism.
John Gabriel Otvos, at 10:41 AM
John, Please see https://imagicworldview.blogspot.com/2018/08/a-word-from-john-otvos-ive-been-reading.html
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:03 PM
I am four years late to this thread. My name is Joshua. I found the above posts of the lady's experience very interesting. The first thought that came to my mind when reading all the dark, frightening demon parts was 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
I came from a deeply religious background. I was raised in the western Christian church. As an adult I have studied many religions, nearly converted to Judaism, studied the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, The Universal Laws, including the Law of Attraction, and read every book and article on spirituality I could get my hands on from best sellers to obscure papers. Every step of my journey was leading somewhere, though I could not see it at the time. When I found Neville, through the author, Mike Dooley, I realized my path had been leading to this point. I have devoured Neville's teachings, listening to hours of audios, reading his books and even learning from teachers who are fellow students of Neville's.
As a person who has studied the Bible my entire life and previously had questions that not one person in the church could ever answer satisfactorily, Neville's teachings struck both my heart and mind with truth. All I had been seeking, all I had been longing for I had been slowly learning without realizing. Neville's teachings took all the puzzle pieces of truth I had accumulated in my life through all my seeking of God and put them together in a beautiful picture. I believe my studies and near conversion to Judaism made my acceptance of Neville's teachings much easier for me than if I had just found his teachings after leaving the church. In fact, I told my wife that if I had found Neville's teachings 5 years ago, I would have probably scoffed. I had a journey to go on and it led me here.
The theme of fear of Satan/devil/evil is very common among Christian friends and family of mine. Almost anything unknown is feared by much of the world it seems. This seems to be true of religion, ethnicity, culture, nationality. Neville shows how all of that is just your conscious awareness. If you are consciously aware of being afraid of anything, then that is what you will be. I confess I have never had visions such as many on these and other threads following Neville have claimed to have had. What I can say is that Neville's teachings resonate with me as truth and thus far they have proven themselves in my life. If anyone reads this, I hope that they will not discard Neville's teachings without first giving the Imagination techniques he teaches a try. If you read/enjoy/believe the Bible, know that Neville loved the Bible and his scripture teachings are sound biblical doctrine.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself -- but again as 2 Timothy says: God has not given us the spirit of fear...
Unknown, at 6:34 AM
Wait..have there been a lot of ppl who have had demonic experiences when living Neville's teachings? He always taught about the Golden Rule tho!
Neuromantic*, at 10:42 PM
The Golden rule to get you through it. Everything is from God's consciousness. I surmise that there is something His imagination is ignorant of, for He created (imagined) both Light (knowledge) and Darkness (ignorance). Good thing: He has chosen the Light. Bad thing: Darkness is there, anyway, until we overcome it.
God's imagination is bits and pieces--all one, but in individual conscii. The Light AND the Dark. The Dark have a termination. Bad news for them. It has already been determined. Good news for us. Jesus in the Season of Grace was a display, a demonstration of how it goes. He's the one doing it, so all Dark on Him. This allows Him to forgive us and transfer us to Light, when we learn the Lesson: RECOGNITION OF WHO AND WHAT WE ARE IN HIM, AND HE IN US.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 3:17 PM
Neville was in what we call asleep... it was in that state in which he communed with old friends and William Blake.
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM
Oprah is not as close to God as she thinks. Having billions is not because you are favored by any means. Neville was definately sent to spread the Truth especially of the Bible and its true meaning. He never claims to be anything other than someone who speaks of his own experience. I have had some experiences myself that no one could believe. You either believe it or don't.
I believe every word Neville says. Even his friends turned on him... just like the Jesus state because they knew him.
Anonymous, at 12:12 PM
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