The Becoming God

Friday, May 29, 2015

Rabbi Gutman Lock and Pastor Joel Kramer Both Miss Jesus Christ suggests these things to me now, so I watched Gutman Lock's conversation with Joel Kramer ( Both testifying as they see it. Both refer to Jesus Christ as a regular human person--Gutman as a real regular person, and Joel as the Son of God incarnate.

Dudes, "Jesus Christ" was known for centuries prior as God, our Father. Don't worry about the 'o'. In the New Testament, the Father is postulated as being IN us and speaking TO us. A large community was aware of the Father working in and through us. Mark wrote about this divine person-within-us as a projected exterior teacher. Well, some people outside the community heard about this "person" and thought it was a real historical somebody who had lived and died and all that stuff.

That is the way publishing and teaching was in those days. Just read the New Testament with Jesus Christ as that of God the Father within you,* and you will be fine. (You will see that Paul was among the outsiders who thought Jesus was a person and expected him to return any minute, until he realized that no, it is all within.)

*The subtle, inner man -- Jacob -- is the spirit of God in everyone.


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