The Becoming God

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Worlds Without God

There is the real God, and there are our gods, whatever they may be. We are all wrong. That is the story in the Bible: "Come away from your god and learn of Me." What an invitation! We each live according to our personal god, according to our personal conception of whatever-god-there-may-be requires and/or allows of us. We make up our own gods--you follow yours, and I follow mine. Unfortunately, we do not require of ourselves to devotedly find and obey the real and true God . So you have the god of your fantasy, and I have the god of my fantasy--to each of us our own god and our own world according to it. This is why we have worlds without God and a world full of false gods, and the consequence generally of a world without God. Ignorance plays a huge role.

I wish I could scream to the whole world that it is mental. The Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes. The world is a mess, because we have filled it with a mess of individual false, fantasized gods instead of the true God, by what we think and the attitudes we hold. You think your god, and I think my god, and everybody else thinks their gods--so our worlds become. Tyrants' regimes are what WE create: "If you are a citizen without responsibility, you are headed for slavery" (Jordan Peterson at 3:35). We have to think and act responsibly to the real God. To this He responds--that is where we see He is the real and true God. His present response to our thoughts and attitudes is our evidence that the Bible world is the real world we are in, despite all the false worlds we see manifesting from people's false gods. The ball is in our court.


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