The Milta (Miltha), the Manifestation of the Unmanifest Ineffable Being, is the "Name" of that Being
The meaning of the word "name," from Strong's Hebrew Dictionary #8034: Shem: a primitive word (perhaps rather from suwm through the idea of definite and conspicuous position; compare shamayim); an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character (emphasis mine). Some note that a name denotes the nature of the thing or person named.
The ineffable No-thing, the unmanifest (...?), has no name as such. The closest thing It would have as a name is that which reveals Its nature and character as an individual. That would be Its manifestation, the Milta. When Moses encounters the burning bush, God (the Milta) identifies Himself as I AM. What is? The Milta, the manifestation of all the (...?)'s nature and character as an individual. The Milta IS the Manifestation of God. What did the Jews call Him? YHWH: "HE IS." The Milta serves as God's "name."
So God's name--the unmanifest manifested in and by the Milta--is glorious, wonderful, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, etc.
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