The Becoming God

Monday, February 05, 2024

Back to Cheryl Craig on Milta Revelation

The e-mail from Cheryl:


I have been enjoying your posts on the word Milta. This particular post and your deep dive into revelation is especially meaningful to me and makes me think of Neville Goddard. You wrote that God wants us to reveal Him, and I add He wants us to reveal Him in us. You make the point that prayer and manifestation are ways to reveal God, and I think that this is the only way that God in us is revealed. It's not enough to believe these words, we have to live them, embody them and that is why Neville is probably the one person that I think I trust and believe the most as he walked the walk and shared with us a hope that I had never been given before.

Your post on January 29th "to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?" reminded me of Neville's vision where the arm of the garment he is wearing is torn away, revealing his arm. Neville was always encouraging us to put Christ in us to the test and wake up or reveal our own God-self. You are doing the same. Neville actually taught that the "word" in John also meant manifest, so I know he understood scripture deeply despite its limitations. I love that you have found this same meaning too and your passion for the word of God is what keeps me returning to your blog. So thank you so much for sharing all your insights with me.

I don't know why, but your writing on revelation just stirred something within me, and so I am going to pursue what you are sharing. I have always loved etymology, and so when you share the deeper meaning of words it helps with deeper understanding. I also wanted to ask if you could expand on your statement "The Universe is a Spiritual Being." I am reading a book called "The Universal Christ" by Richard Rohr and exploring the idea that God is manifest in all things and thus all things have consciousness. When you write about the Ineffable Most High God being unmanifest, I can't help but think of dark matter. I also can't help but think of the double slit experiment and how light can be both a particle or a wave, depending on the observer or "assumption," if you will. These speak to me of what you are saying about the Milta and so I was curious to know what you meant by the universe being a spiritual being. Take Care and thank you for all your insights.

Sincerely, Cheryl Craig

Thank you, Cheryl. I sooo much appreciate your writing. "Your writing on revelation just stirred something within me," indicates that Jesus wants to teach us more, for us to learn more, and for us become more. Perhaps that narrow path. Yes, prayer and manifestation as answered prayer are ways to reveal God, but love, faith, hope, and patience help, too. Revealing God is what the Milta does (John 1:18), because He IS Him faithfully, come hell or high water, or the cross.

 A word that got me on this kick was Tat, used by Goethe to translate logos in Faust (Tag Archives: miltha, February 16, 2016, מֵימְרָא/דָּבַר vs. λόγος, By Prof. Brian Tice, B.Sci., M.Sci.) Here is the passage:

"He lauds Goethe for being “on solid linguistic ground” with his translation of John 1:1 in Faust, for rendering the word λόγος (assuming he worked from the Greek text) as 'Tat,' thus: 'Im Anfang war die Tat' (tr. 'In the beginning was the Deed'). It is worth noting that the Aramaic of John uses a different word – ܡܶܠܬ݂ܳܐ (Miltha), which means 'Word, Manifestation, Instance, or Substance.' The range of meaning is virtually identical between the two."

The word "said," Genesis 1:3, was the Milta as the substantive DEED Tat. All that comes from this deed is God's REVELATION. God is seen in His effectual working, His deeds--all of Creation is a revelatory deed, if we are looking. Granted, you have to look. In Malachi, the Jews at the time discounted worship of YHWH because they did not see what He was doing for them: "It would have happened anyway" was their attitude--"worship of God is no quality added." See and appreciate God's DEEDS: God's deeds are all we have to see Him by. This reminds me of the end of Mark 16, God confirming the Apostles' words with SIGNS, demonstrations of power. Verse 17. "Signs then to those that believe, they who adhere to us, In my name, they will cast out demons, and they will speak in new languages*, 18. "And they will handle snakes,* and if deadly poison they drink,* it will not affect them." And they will consecrate their hands on the sick and they will be restored. 19. Jesus then the Lord, after he spoke with them, went up to heaven, and sat from the right of God. 20. They then went out, and preached every place, and the Lord helped them and began filling them with signs that they performed."

If we properly preach out there, will not the Milta--God Manifest--act/show Himself in SIGNS? The right of God is where His blessings come from.

I am not familiar with Richard Rohr. I looked up his books on Amazon; he seems to have a lot of  time on his hands. Published criticism of him, his philosophy and theology is enlightening. He says he is a panentheist, which is a good thing. I have reservations with anything Roman Catholic, though. Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, Baptist, Hindu, Muslim, snake handlers, etc., etc. I think, "Come on, dude, can't you think your way through this?" Sorry, I shouldn't expect consequence rationality from people who have never experienced God, who are just working out philosophies about Him. Back to the idea of substantive REVELATION, Dan. Work from what you KNOW.

Got to go.

Dan Steele


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