The Becoming God

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Neville Goddard Technique in a Nutshell

Think of and feel the feelings you DON'T have, but want to have.  Answer Neville's question: what would it be like if it were true?  Whether it was the first time Abdullah told Neville he was IN Barbados (when he wasn't), when the grandfather practiced "I remember when," when NOT climbing a ladder, or when he was stuck in the army, Neville FELT the feelings he did NOT have, but wanted to have.  Have the feeling of receiving when you want to receive.  To be avoided is any feeling of deprivation, of lack, want, or need, for that is what you will then receive, and you have already got it in spades.  WE GET WHAT WE BELIEVE AND FEEL, so feel the feelings you DON'T have, but wish you did have. Feel the feelings you would have if you DID have what you want. Feel relief, gratitude, thanksgiving, joy, rejoicing, peace, satisfaction, and serenity.  Unhappy is the feeling you've already got; happy is the feeling you DON'T have.  Feel the happy.  Feel being there, feel having it, feel that it is, feel what you WANT to feel, but do not feel wanting it.

Envision and feel, but do not do.  At least make no effort to FORCE it to happen.  This is prayer.  It is cooperative.  The principle is miraculous.  Your assumption that it is done--the feelings you have--is your "said."  Now let God DO it; in faith let Him bring forth your (His) manifestation.


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