Exodus 3:14 "I Am YOU, You Twit!"
The burning bush was Moses. Moses was seeing/was being shown HIMSELF: the outer physical and the spiritual, imagining "Angel" within. "What is Your name?" "I am THAT, that two part being--I am YOU, you twit!" I remember back to when I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. In a trance, I saw mud scooped from the earth and shaped like a man. The mud was transformed into bones, organs, tissues--into a complete human body. Then it was made to live. It breathed and saw through its eyes...and thought. I wondered what it thought, and then I began to see through its eyes and to think its thoughts. I virtually became the mudman. AS the mudman I discovered my sinfulness and repented and was saved, baptized in the Holy Ghost. "I" was the two of us: me--the mental rider seeing through the mudman's eyes and thinking his thoughts--and the mudman himself. "I" was two beings! In my trance/vision I had been watching and experiencing MYSELF.
And so Moses. Brought up in the Egyptian religions, forty years living amongst Midianite believers in the true God, in a meditation trance pursuing that true God Moses is shown HIMSELF--TWO PARTIES in one: the physical outside and the spiritual inside. Credit this insight to Guthrie and Motyer et al. (1970. The New Bible Commentary: Revised. London: Inter-Varsity Press/ Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing Co. p. 122-123) who say: "The 'burning bush' is not in any way a symbol of Israel. God is living (the burning bush was not consumed and therefore the flame was self-maintaining), and holy (fire or flame was an emblem of the purity that constituted a threat to sinners)." The Angel of YHWH was saying, "THAT, THE TWO PARTIES IN ONE--the physical body 'bush' and the self-maintaining eternal spirit within it--are ME. Because you are Me, and I am you, let's get our act together."
What a wonderful experience. I have had scripture unfolding in vision for years as Neville describes and have been teaching my boyfriend for the past year. He has visions unfolding in him too now. One similar to yours I thought you might enjoy.
He was in a desert with huge sand dunes and aurora borealis lights in the sky. His awareness felt like he had been there for eons of time. He watched from above that his body was being formed out of sand by a little girl in a white tunic though he never saw her face. Then his awareness went into his body and became him as he knows himself now and he lifted the one arm that had been formed while the little girl was building the rest of his body.
Anonymous, at 10:30 AM
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