The Becoming God

Monday, June 12, 2023

Secrets of the Divine Sonship: Naema (Na'amah) and Shem

I am two points below stupid and sloooooow to catch on. I saw that our Bibles teach way too little about Shem and was reading up on him. Shem is especially important because of Nimrod. Nimrod is especially important because he, his wife and mother (!) Semiramis, and Cush his father became virtually all the false gods worshiped in idolatry.

If you do not already have it, one of the most important books you will ever procure is The Worship Of The Dead Or The Origin And Nature Of Pagan Idolatry And Its Bearing Upon The Early History Of Egypt And Babylonia by Colonel J. Garnier (1909, London: Chapman and Hall, Limited). I found it researching one of the last term papers I ever did at seminary, and having read it, it being long out of print, I Xeroxed the whole thing page by page at the library. I have read it over and over again over the years. Like I said, I am a bit slow. Finding it available as a reprint at Kessinger Publishing, I ordered a copy from Amazon. It was missing a page. They sent me another, still missing the page. I notified the printer, Kessinger, and they sent me two corrected copies gratis, one hardbound and one paper. The Worship of the Dead is now available from various publishers in both hard and paper covers. And of course I am reading it again.

The book is enlightening--again and again and again. There is the pdf linked to above. Read chapters one and fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen. These are "Introductory--The Deluge," "The Resuscitation of Pagan Idolatry," "Features of the Revived Idolatry," and "The Moral Aspect of Paganism." They explain so well what is going on in this world. "As in the days of Noah" is what Garnier explains with exceptional mastery throughout the whole book. If you would, it is a digest and correction of George Stanley Faber's Origen of Pagan Idolatry (each word of this title is a separate volume).

The problem in the days of Noah was Naema (Genesis 4:22 Alexander, KJV 'Na'amah'). How so? The great Jewish sages believed Naema was the wife of Noah and the mother of Noah's three sons: Japheth, Kham, and Shem. The problem? Well, look at her family tree. Naema was of the line of Cain. Naema means pleasant, beautiful--she was a looker--but the people she was raised with were involved in murder, violence, bigamy, intercourse with demons--"every dissipation of their heart's excuses became worse with every age." Naema's family were what God destroyed the earth with a flood for.

So there was their little sister in Noah's Ark, floating merrily to the clean, washed-of-sin new earth with Noah and his sons and their wives, with all her memory of evil and sin inside her. MEMORY OF SIN. When we were born again, Naema came through in us, too! You DO realize, of course, that all the characters of Scripture are facets of ourselves, DON'T you? Everything is psychological and addressed to our imagination for consideration: "How is that like me?"- and vice-versa. Yes, we are Peter, Paul, and Mary. And at our core we are Adam and Eve--the consciousness of God and its life-giving power of imagination. But I digress.

God was almost rid of evil at the deluge. Soooo close. Noah was a good guy, but his wife, Naema, was a part of him. She was a descendant of Cain, and she remembered all the fun bad stuff. Even though we are born from above, some residue of the evil nature sticks with us. While Noah was "drunk"--distracted and confused--a lustful part of him, handsome Kham, remembered and engaged in sin: Naema had Canaan by Kham. Like Adam and Eve's consciousness of being naked, guilt of disobedience does not go away. You can't just blow it off, thus Canaan--the perfect world--was cursed. Kham's son Cush's wife Semiramis married her son Nimrod, and he sought to establish a kingdom for his dad, Cush, in rebellion against God. The world has been affected by their perversity and the guilt thereof. Cush, Semiramis, and Nimrod, "deified" by demons, the world serves this unholy trinity's evil to prevent them from vindictively destroying the world again. For such will people worship the Beast.

Shem? Let us read that passage from Frank Laubach again:

This is my favorite passage from Letters by a Modern Mystic by Dr. Frank C. Laubach:

March 9, 1930 –Boundless joy broken loose

I look up at this page and it is not red hot as my soul is now. It is black ink. It ought to be written with the red ribbon. You will not see the tears that are falling on this typewriter, tears of a boundless joy broken loose.

The most wonderful discovery that has ever come to me is that I do not have to wait until some future time for the glorious hour. I need not sing, “Oh that will be glory for me -” and wait for any grave. This hour can be heaven. Any hour for any body can be as rich as God! For do you not see that God is trying experiments with human lives? That is why there are so many of them. He has one billion seven hundred million experiments going on around the world at this moment. And His question is, “How far will this man and that woman allow allow me to carry this hour?” This Sunday afternoon at three o'clock He was asking it of us all. I do not know what the rest of you said, but as for me, I asked, “God, how wonderful dost Thou wish this hour alone with Thee to be?”

“It can be as wonderful as any hour that any human being has ever lived. For I who pushed life up through the protozon and the tiny grass, and the fish and the bird and the dog and the gorilla and the man, and who am reaching out toward divine sons, I have not become satisfied yet. I am not only willing to make this hour marvelous. I am in travail to set you akindle with the Christ-thing which has no name. How fully can you surrender and not be afraid?”

(End quote, bold emphasis mine)

Frank Laubach realized that God is seeking to generate SONS for Himself. His focus is son production. Everything else is just means.

Shem means much more in Hebrew than just, "name." Shem is the character, the essential nature of the thing named. God wants divine sons, and that is power and authority He gives to those who believe on Him and His Son--the. power. to. become. His. son. (John 1:12). God doesn't want worship; He wants SONS--people who "Him." Jesus is the driving force of the Holy Trinity to form us into His oneness sans evil--our integrity. Historically, Nimrod invaded Egypt to establish his idolatry for Cush, and SHEM INTERVENED AND CONVINCED THE EGYPTIANS TO DESTROY NIMROD. Shem is us determined and acting against sin to stay in the power to become a divine son: "I will not Naema--remember sin--nor will I do it. " The world may go crazy with evil, but the Christian, like Shem, does something about it: he or she destroys any remembrance of evil found in his or herself and stays true to the Name.

Here is an interesting aside: Genesis 10:11-12 according to Alexander says, "from those lands there emerged the Ashurai who built Nineveh and the towns of Rehoboth and Calah, and Resen, the great city between Nineveh and Calah." "Those lands" were the Nimrod's kingdom in the land of Sumar, and one has to assume that after Shem eliminated Nimrod in Egypt, his own descendants, the Ashurai, took over Nimrod's lands in Sumar and later emerged from them.

Well, they didn't, and they did. That's what is so interesting. Garnier on page 26 of The Worship of the Dead explains Mr. Hislop's comment that the word ashur in Genesis 10:11 may be the passive participle for the Chaldean word to "to make strong," making it: "from those lands, being made strong, emerged to build Nineveh ("the habitation of Nin") and the towns of, etc." There is no explanation as to why Moses used the Chaldean ashur in the passage (if indeed Hislop was right), but the fact remains that it was and is there. And generations later the Semitic Ashurai DID emerge from those lands. They had migrated there over the years, and they DID make Nineveh the capital of the Assyrian Empire. It is like Moses MADE IT COME TO PASS BY CHOOSING HIS WORDS AFTER THE FACT.

But back to the point: GOD WANTS SONS. Many are called, but few are chosen. What happens to those who choose not to go? Are the eternal flames of torment God's forgetting and the potential sons' regret, "If only I had forgotten sin," before being forgotten themselves? If we believe, we have the power to become a better sons of God than Shem. Shem did not overcome all evil. Jesus did. Remember we are in Him. Stay there and GO!


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