The Becoming God

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Ascribe All Glorious Superlatives To God, But He Is The Mudman, too

Some Christians tend towards hyperventilation when I suggest that God has become everything--all the universe and beyond--and ourselves, too. "There is NO WAY that you or I am God!!" they shrill, not realizing that they are calling God a liar. I understand it - God is all greatness: majestic, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, invisible spirit, the Creator of all, the only uncaused cause, dwells in unapproachable light, IS Light, Life, and Love, our Savior, is enthroned in Glory in Heaven worshiped by myriads of angels . . . Yes, and He is you and I, too.

For the Intelligence of God has the power to transform Itself into whatever It assumes that It is. An expanding universe of power and matter to facilitate the manifestation--to give image to--every potential experience God imagines? No problem. THAT stuff HE became has become us, too. EVERYTHING EXISTENT is the Big Guy's Intelligence TRANSITIONED into what It has assumed that it IS. Waves, quantum particles, atoms, cells, grains, cement, hands, minds, breath - all are Him experiencing Himself, for imagination is the eternal body of God.

So He is here, present and powerful, in you. AS you. That is very humbling. Eil Shaddai, the eternal God Almighty, has made us to live. Say, "Thank You," and ask what you are supposed to do, for what purpose has He made you?


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