The Becoming God

Saturday, September 24, 2022

YHWH Does NOT Mean "I AM": In A Roundabout Way It Means YOU Are--THAT's The Point of Exodus 3:14's AHYH, "I BECOME"

Sorry to bring this up again for the several hundredth time. The Hebrew word YHWH does not mean "I am." Not directly, anyway. YHWH is from the Hebrew verb hayah (Strong's 1961), to be or to become. There is the idea of transition in it.* The yod prefix is THIRD PERSON: "HE becomes." We probably would read it as "He who becomes." First person in Hebrew is marked by the prefix aleph: AHYH: "I become." That is what it says in Exodus 3:14, where God stresses that HE HIMSELF BECOMES THAT WHICH EXISTS; "I become what I become"; i.e., that which HIM!!! So, as He has become us, it comes around: "[Unless] you believe that I am I, you shall die in your sins" (John 8:24 Alexander). Not that He is the One who says, "I AM," but that YOU are Him, the One who says, "I AM."

God becomes what He assumes He is. With His having become us, WE BECOME WHAT WE ASSUME WE ARE. That is what our "life" is. If we assume something is possible, that it might happen, it may. We would never imagine that our healthy child has cancer or some other disease, but if we assume that it is possible, it is. It is just part of our assumption of what life is. The trick is to assume that our existence IS that which we desire, not as our desire, but as our true experience. Subjectively exist there--thinking FROM that experience--as though what we desire had already become objective fact, so that it will.

Assume good things, with love, praise, and thanksgiving!!

* See Bullinger The Companion Bible, note on Genesis 1:2, 'was'. Interestingly, while the KJV has "And the earth was without form, and void," Alexander has, "And the earth was for Him and by Him," Makes me think HE TOOK OVER THE SHIPWRECK OF THE FIRST FLIP.


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