The Becoming God

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Conscii: Daniel Branham-Steele's View Of The "With Persecutions"

There is a principle I see: the more Wisdom comes forth, the more Ignorance stands against it. The greater Jesus became, the more the Pharisees and scribes hated and attacked Him. It works here, too. There is jealousy involved. Jealousy of what? Conscii. We are conscii attached to the brains within these bodies.

I do not have a better words for self-aware individual units of consciousness than the Latin conscius and its plural conscii. This is not a course in semantics, but using the word 'person' evokes images of physicality, and 'spirit' is associated with ghosts. 'Entity' is close to the idea, but besides possible physicality I associate it with ghostly spookiness. 'Angel' and 'demon' are are limited to their purpose and function. The Hebrew adam (120), iysh (376), gerber (1397), and neshamah (5397) all miss the idea of consciousness alone. Thus I elect that what our conscious mind is alone without the body are conscii--individual, spiritual, self-aware/imagining units of the Divine consciousness. We are conscii. Bodies die. Conscii do not.

All conscii are individual, self-aware units of imagination from the one consciousness of the ineffable No-thing. There are good (wise and mature) conscii, and there are bad (ignorant and immature) conscii. All conscii are created from the eternal No-thing and carry Its nature. All conscii are imagination, i.e., something's IMAGINING. Conscii are limited by the nature of God. God, even as a being, is the action of the Ineffable's consciousness; i.e., It is Its imaginING. What It does not think does not exist.

The Eternal No-thing is the ultimate Conscius, and is the source of all conscii. The No-thing's consciousness is tiered, self-structured, and thus Its conscii are also. The Ineffable assumes in Its imagination that It is something It has thought, and Its intelligence thus becomes what I believes It is. That is the act we are following. But Its thoughts are not without challenge. The thought, "I am such," has to contend with the responding reality, "No, you are not." "Oh yes, I am!" The Divine "I am !" wins out, but not without contending with the initial corresponding challenge, the doubt.

Here is the dealio: the magnitude of the "You are not!" corresponds to the greatness of the imagined "I am." This is the war in heaven, and it occurs in reality in our head-balls and our lives, for the Divine Conscius has become we conscii. Its ignorance, which is now our ignorance, is that which we must overcome. To do so, we must come to the realization that we as conscii are ultimately God in Its own self-improvement procedure--as though that self-improvement were already accomplished, for in God's view IT ALREADY HAS BEEN. God is in the process of eliminating Its own ignorance, and as God we get to choose which way we go in remedy.

The Eternal No-thing is not in a hurry. As conscii we can go on in ignorance for an eternity and still have time for a resolution of repentance. The No-thing will have Its way: "Thy will must be being done..." (Matthew 6 according to Ferrar Fenton) "...both in Heaven and upon the Earth." There are not really any options to the overall program. We have been around since before the universe began, and the universe has been around for at least 13 billion years. Countless trillions of planets have had life on them for longer than the earth has existed. As conscii we grow and develop, graduate in maturity and understanding and power. Some for better, some for worse, all for the destiny.

It is my personal belief that there is a religion of sorts among the wisest of the ancient conscii. They know that the Ineffable exists, and they understand what It is doing. Billions of years of evidence will convince you. They recognize that It has become them, and that they are It. Thus their mission: to do Its will as though they--we--were It...for we are. I figure we humans are supposed to join the club, for we are the manifestation of the program, and are to display its conclusion, persecutions be damned.


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