The Becoming God

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Where You Are Going Back Into God = What You Are NOW, So BE Worthy of Heaven

We are God stuff come from God and are going back into God. It is our choice where we land; it will be according to what we here become. That is what we do, right? We become. That is our name, which is our nature. YHWH is the Becoming One. We are becoming what we will be when we are in God again. "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand." Repent into something GOOD. That restoration bit might be a bill of goods.

It behooves us to try to be something good as God. He is heaven and He is hell. By becoming what we want to be NOW, we insert ourselves where we want to be in God, in Him as heaven, or in Him as hell. There are not a lot of other options. We are either like Jesus or like Satan: selfless or selfish, in submission or subterfuge, peaceable or rankling, loving or livid. Job was doing real well before Satan tested him, and he kept going in spite of it. "What we do does not recede into the past but proceeds into the future to confront us there" (Neville). The sum of this life then becomes our eternal existence, for better or for worse, and we are the ones who write it! "Moses lifted the darkness by the light of life, this is how you should glorify the Son of Man" (John 3:14 Alexander; note the difference in this translation). In our one chance, if we do not go up with the saints we go down with the crackers.

God is a blessing as the one God - there is nothing but Him, and He is wrath against anything else. He is a blessing and a curse, both Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal (see Deuteronomy 11 and 27).

From Galatians 5, Alexander (emphasis mine):
16. I am telling you then, walk in the Spirit and never be a slave to the pleasures of the flesh.
17. For the flesh enjoys what lowers the spirit, and the spirit enjoys what lowers the flesh, and both of them are a hindrance to each other, so that you can never do what you wish.
18. If then you were fetched by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
19. For you know the manifestation of the flesh, fornication, evil doing, dissolution,
20. The making of idols, witchcraft, hostility, destructiveness, backbiting, resentfulness, stubbornness, divisiveness, apathy,
21. Killing, murder, drunkenness, [outrageous] singing and the like. And those who devote themselves to such things, as I told you from the start, I tell you now as well, they shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.

"The height of wisdom is the fear of the Lord," and "At the head of wisdom is the submission to Maryah, and the knowledge of the righteous is learning" (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10). Listen to a number of near death experiences where the hell part of God is visited. Nobody likes it for a minute. Whether literal or symbolic, YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE. That the New Jerusalem is coming down means that experience of peace is going to be here. Prepare for it.


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