The Becoming God

Friday, April 15, 2022

Whose Wallet Are You Dipping Into?

We are born into this world ignoranced and discover we can lead our lives using our imagination: "I want to do this; I want to do that..." and we do it. Our imagination is a wonderful reservoir we can dip into to achieve so many wonderful things; it is a bottomless wallet to us.

The thing is, it is not our wallet. It belongs to Someone many people consider to be philosophical "woo." Well, some of us have discovered that that "Woo" is real, and It expects us to repay exactly what we have taken from His wallet. You got it? I didn't have it. None of us ever will. But I humbled myself before Him, and because Jesus intervened for my sake, He forgave and accepted me.

The alternative is too terrible to think. To reject Him whose wallet we are dipping into, to ignore His right to honor and gratitude in spite of all His grace to us is offensive. It really behooves us to not offend God Almighty, to slight, ignore, or discredit Him. What the Ineffable assumes it is becomes. And so it is with us. What we assume we are becomes. If we have assumed we are without Him, without His love, without His protection, without His mercy, so it becomes. The near death experiences which include hell might be of a real hell, or they might be a spiritual rejection of which hell is the illustration. Neither sound very pleasant. THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN THERE SCREAM, "AVOID IT!!"

If you have been reaching into God's candy jar, you had better thank Him, accept Him, and submit to Him. It is better to enjoy the candy with Him.


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