The Becoming God

Friday, April 22, 2022

God's Language: Something Is Real - Bet On Forgiveness

Some of the near death experience (NDE) testimonies on YouTube are interesting. I recognize that those real experiences are language. That is, they are God saying something about something that is even more real than the illustrations of it. Our daily lives are as that: these experiences are real, but God is telling us about something more real through them. More real, but inscrutable. Our curse is that in our ignorance and sloth we do not listen nor take the illustrative communication seriously. We see God screaming...and fold our hands. We cannot say He did not warn us.

Hermetic wisdom is interesting and enlightening philosophically, but we have to balance it with God's language of evidence. It was a very small thing, but I watched my arm grow out about half an inch - I think actually about five eighths - and this at the name of Jesus Christ. This occurrence was evidence for me, a very big thing. My vision of Jesus being scourged and crucified was inwardly emotional, but when he spoke to me it was physical. I heard him. Evidence. He spoke the first three words of Matthew 11:28, "Come unto Me." For me historical and empirical. A year later, a woman prophesied to me the rest of the verse.

I have learned to listen to the vocabulary of God. It is pretty scary to hear the NDEs of heaven and hell. I know things more real than the illustrations exist in God. When He appeared to Israel at Horeb they were terrified: "Anything, anything, anything. You say it, we'll do it." In the fire they had evidence OF THE REAL THING. Follow the Law to not go there? No problemo. I look at the amazing work T. L. and Daisy Osborn accomplished. He saw God illustrated in men and women, and then he saw the real thing in the appearance of Jesus. He received evidence, and charged headlong in the love of God to save people from the Truth they did not hear nor take seriously. That is what the Apostles and the first church did. They had evidence. That was what mattered. They went and preached; God evidenced; people believed.

Do you have evidence? Will you go with it? It Works by Jarrett is a Gospel tract to me. If it works, then you have found Him. God! There is reality - power - behind the illustration. That is God smacking you upside the head with a two by four screaming, "Yes, I am really here! I have given you the way to heaven: My Son." If head-smacking evidence does not convince you, I do not know what will.

Evidence is a mercy. Think of it. In a world manifesting evil and wholly deserving of hell, Jesus appears to offer heaven. God through Christ proffers forgiveness for how we have hurt others and offended Him. Hope. All we have to do is accept the provision he gives for our sin. Do not bet on taking God up on it in your next life. There is no guarantee you or I will get another chance; the metaphysician might have been deceived. It would not be foolish to attend T. L. and Daisy's crusades via YouTube, and to accept the offer. We can fast forward to the preaching, repent and accept the Lord with the crowd, and rejoice in the evidence.


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