My God is Too Small
I do not necessarily recommend the book Your God Is Too Small (J. B. Phillips. 1961. New York: Macmillan Company), but I keep mine at eye level on my bookcase so that I see it frequently. Not because I am interested in reading it. I'd be happy just to have the front cover. I want to remind myself: My God is too small. Yours is, too. I do recommend posting the words as a reminder on your bookcase or wall - big, bold, block letters: Your God Is Too Small.
Take it to heart. Way too small. God is not a big blob of white light sitting in a big chair on a glass sea in an arena in Heaven running everything by remote control, dependent on reporting angels zooming back and forth to tell Him what is happening. God is the Intelligence and Consciousness of the ineffable (...?) (No-thing). It is conscious of every oscillating quantum member of our reality, because It IS each and every one of them. It knows everything that has happened, everything that can ever happen, and everything necessary for Its Manifestation to become exactly as It is, for It is becoming manifest in and through all of this. And by 'manifest' I do not mean concrete permanence; I mean experiential action. It flows in, and It flows out, though It is always here. This (waving my arms all around to indicate everything around us) is It, God, the Consciousness of the Ineffable.
It loves and appreciates Its nature: Its love, Its power, and Its beneficence. IT IS PRAYING, ADVOCATING FOR THE WHOLE CREATION IT HAS IMAGINED. That is our present. It is working all things together for Its good, to make everyone into It. And I am thinking what? I am assuming I have nice things so that I will be recognized by people as being really, really impressive: "Oh, wow, look. There is DANNY!" (Cue the applause.) Yeah, I could make God gag. Instead of assuming that I am having a wonderful day, oughtn't I assume that EVERYONE is having a wonderful day? That everyone is healthy, wealthy, and wise? That there is a chicken in every pot (or mushrooms and tofu for the vegans)? A new Lambo in every garage? That everyone has promotion, has their desires fufilled, are healed, and love reigns supreme?
It is so pitiful that I spend any minutes at all trying to manifest bennies for myself. They brought all the sick, the maimed, the crippled, and the insane to Jesus, AND HE HEALED THEM ALL. THAT is what He spent the night in prayer for. Not twenty minutes for Himself, but hours through the night for everybody, for every need to be appeased, for every wrong to be righted. The Consciousness of the Ineffable, "God," can handle it. It is just: can I imagine it? Can I create it? Think big. Bigger. Imagine Infinity ecstatically extolling the greatness of God in tongues -- THAT God.
There was an Aramaic Church in the first centuries AD. I fancy that church alive still, and myself a member of it. They went out preaching the Reward, our reconciliation to God through the redemption of Jesus Christ, God confirming their words with signs and wonders. Let's get out and publish it, promulgate the Truth, and count on the greatness of God.
Good Morning Dan,
I am going to take you up on your suggestion to make a sign and place at eye level "My God is too small." I recently bought a large print bible at my local used book store, The New International Version and I wanted to ask you for suggestions on how to study. You speak of the Bullinger's companion bible but I do not have that as of yet. At the Book Barn used books range about 4 to 8 dollars which is perfect for a book lover like me so I bought the one that was available in the necessary large print. I missed an opportunity recently to buy a concordance and now they are gone. But any suggestions you could offer would be helpful. Now that the busy months of summer are over,I have committed to studying the actual bible instead of just reading about others interpretations who study the Word. Thank you for all your insights. They generally seem to be what I need in the moment. Isn't it funny how God works that way!
Take Care!
ccraig, at 5:13 AM
Thank you. I jotted down some notes about Bible study today (10/17/2021), which see. It is hard to explain how the Bible means what it says, but doesn't say what it means. The spiritual Truth it is illustrating symbolically is literal, but the illustration isn't.
Be aware that the NIV is a paraphrase. It has its own concordance. I use the King James concordance because that is the version I have heard preached for decades. And when you know that it does mean what you mean, it packs a lot of power. So take your time. It is better to KNOW a little than to be familiar with much. My mind is pretty much consummed with a half dozen verses.
Lastly, leave your knowledge as a question. There are shades of depth we haven't even fantasized yet. When your mind is otherwise blank, like when you are in the shower or mowing the lawn, God will "speak" clarification, understanding, and meaning in the idle thoughts that come to mind. He is the best Teacher in the world!! Soooo many times He has shown me a word's meaning or a change in order that complete reverses the popular understanding of a passage. Suddenly, everything I thought I knew was wrong.
You take care, too.
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 9:42 PM
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