The Becoming God

Saturday, October 02, 2021

Gods and Imaginations

It is my belief and doctrine that the Ineffable Being, the incomprehensible No-thing beyond all being, has and is consciousness, and that consciousness is what we call "God." I believe, furthermore, that we invisible spirits and the bodies we inhabit are that consciousness. All is consciousness, thought which we imagine is real.

The consciousness of the Ineffable - "God" to us - exists in form like an infinite field of power, and as a Person it imagines. By Its imagination It assumes existence and becomes what It has assumed. Thus God expands in thought and being. Its intelligence (I do not know what else to call it) is powerful to become whatever particulate matter it imagines or assumes it is. That is one form of imagination and expansion. The field also imagines what can be, what can happen, and all possible alternatives and ramifications to being. It has the power to become these forms, directing matter to facilitate their existence and expression. This is a second type of imagination and expression. Lastly, God has the ability to unite with these forms as conscii, perturbances of Itself, and Itself experience all through them. God is a pretty tricky Fellow.

I think this might be edited and continued.


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