The Becoming God

Sunday, October 03, 2021

Compulsion Prayer Lists

You are affected by other people's expectations of you. They are affected by you. Their beliefs become manifest just as your beliefs do. We can recognise this influence and counter with expectations of our own for our success and their improved expectation of us.

We can greatly affect our world by believing the best for other people's worlds. This is the original paying it forward. See stuggling people standing in success, oppressed peoples in freedom. Read that cancer patient's lab report: Negative. See bickering, fighting couples embracing, much in love, and that new graduate bringing home a handsome pay. See the timid confident, the incompetent competent, the uncapable capable, the bumbler succeeding. See the streets cleaned and everyone in respect, prosperity, and joy. See better than it is, increase, and abundance. Constantly revision. Create by imagining what God might compel. What you see wrong in this world, see fixed. MAKE it right by YOUR prayer for God's compulsion. If we do not see it, believe it, and assume it, He won't compel it, for WE are the masters of the universe WITH Him.

We are influenced in this world, often negatively, but we can overcome and influence the world toward its best. Our worlds are our creation, the mirrors of our beliefs. And this is God's language; its faults are addressed to us!! If there is bad and weakness in it, it is only because we are allowing it in our own beliefs...due to our own ignorance. Satan is the culprit, and he is the structure of our rationalizations in our ignorance. Overcome! Grasp the oneness of God we are in and of and believe Our intent for success and health and love and glory. Curse the ignorance and believe in the Light. Let It demonstrate the reward we are destined to (and are now in as we are in Christ Jesus).

"Confess your foolishness to each other, and pray one for the other, so as you may be healed. For great is the power of the prayer that the righteous person prays." (James 5:16 Alexander).


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