The Becoming God

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Meditation: There is Hope for the Stupidest Person Alive

The Blessed Hope is that stupid can be fixed. In God's economy it already is fixed - I've just got a lot of catching up to His economy to do. I have been prodding myself to stop trying to correct my and everyone else's doctrine and concentrate on doing. It is the doing which will save the world: "They then went out, and preached every place, and the Lord helped them and began filling them with signs that they performed" (Mark 16:20 Alexander). They preached the reward, and His confirmation of their words made the doctrinal corrections: "When it works, you have found Him." It really is that simple.

I remembered a line in a number of Jewish books and articles, the argument that the world was not ready for the depths of Jewish wisdom. There was a longstanding ban on publishing and translating manuscripts related to Jewish mysticism. Jesus was ready to receive it. He did, and ran with it. His disciples became so, and also ran. And we?

Looking for the ban and its surmountation in Aryeh Kaplan's Jewish Meditation: a Practical Guide (1985. New York: Schocken Books), I wound up rereading the book for the third or fourth time. I highly recommend it. I have learned ten, no, a hundred times more in this reading. Okay, maybe twenty, but I am just half way through the book. Everything Kaplan says seems so much more significant now. I was spooked from meditation because I encountered a real demon in a meditation, the one in which Jesus harvested me from the occult. Later, in a trance, God said to me, "Remember this, and it is all right." Then in a vision, Jesus said quite audibly to me, "Come unto Me." I somehow knew he was not speaking about prayer. Well, I was IN a meditation. That is how I had gotten to him the first time. Each time. I can actually GO to him in meditation.

So I have now a mission to learn meditation. I suppose I will later have a commission to teach meditation, too. Why, again, is it not taught in church? Oh yes, spooked, it was abandoned to the occult. Wish me well. Thanks. I know there have been experiments and projects related to cooperative intention and "concerts of prayer." It seems to me we should have much the same of cooperative meditation. Trained groups. So glad to have already found a curriculum.

By the way, people often ask how to visualize. Kaplan explains how to build up to it, how to learn to control and direct the subconscious through different meditation processes to master visualization. You might also be interested in Kaplan's Meditation and Kabbalah (


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