The Becoming God

Friday, September 10, 2021

A Letter to David and Barbara

I am sorry you had an unfortunate experience with Pentecostals. You have to expect that is where Satan would attack (in my book, "Satan" is our ignorance). I do not have a literal book, but I do have this blog where I publish my point of view, which is that the Ineffable God is becoming manifest. That is what our experience here is. The Church would consider me a heretic, but I say they are misreading the scriptures and are calling God a liar. God says that It is one in the sense of Its being EVERYTHING. We are included in Its one. In Psalm 82:6 It says, "I have said, 'You are God.'" The Church mistranslates this as gods, because the Truth does not fit its theology. Here and in many other places. Once you understand that we are Him you have an entirely different Bible. "Unless you believe that I am He, you die in your sins" (John 8:24). Not he was Him, but we are Him.

My view of God is layered. The ineffable, incomprehensible Most High is unknowable, but Its consciousness is like a field: constant, everywhere, and powerful to do whatever It desires. The Ineffable imagines, and Its consciousness/intelligence is powerful to actually become whatever It imagines It is. It assumes and becomes. We are parts of that Consciousness/Imagination getting the hang of it. That is my "Trinity."

Where did I get such outlandish ideas? In seminary I learned how to read. I found that the Bible was very poorly and very biasedly translated. And that the ancients viewed things very differently than we do. So I got into bible correction as a hobby. That is why I use Bullinger's Companion Bible and Victor Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic. Bullinger corrects a lot of the King James Version, and Alexander uses the language and perspective of the First-century Church.

Properly read, the scriptures present a very different world and reality than the Church is dealing with. So many things are the opposite of what our pastors teach! E.g., Genesis' "In the beginning (of time) God created," is really "As the Beginning" (Consciousness, the Son of the Ineffable) created God." The Church is wrong from the get-go! And Moses' burning bush (the Ineffable's Consciousness in him) said, "I become whatever I become." That is a world of difference!! The world is as the Bible (properly read) says it is. We just have to find our proper relationship in it.

Oddly, our proper relationship in the godhead is in being lowly, humble, and contrite. Full-on submission, giving love, honor, and gratitude to It. In descending in humility we are exalted - the way up is down! We are just little bits of the one, but every bit IS the one; for there is no division in the Ineffable. The words T'lah Qnu-meh are only in the Aramaic version of the Bible. They mean, "the Tri-Unities." The Trinity is one thing. 

Contrary to this is the position the Church takes, that creation is completely separate, divided from, and wholly other than the Godhead. Ironically, this creates two independent gods, the Consciousness and the Creation - two completely separate entities! What a can of worms this is! It makes the Ineffable a god of remote control, creating what it does not touch, exerting power where It is not. The Church’s version of contrition and humility is actually self-exaltation — “I of my own wisdom and strength have made myself a servant of God, my peer!” When you properly read the scriptures you will wonder, "Have I ever smoked enough to believe that?”

PS: Here is a group of Pentecostals I think have their act together:

I'm A Pentecostal


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