The Becoming God

Monday, August 09, 2021

The Will: It Is Deliberate

The Law of Attraction never attracts me, because in my experience with God He is ever DELIBERATE. I agree with C. F. Rehnborg that God is intentional increase in the natural order, as the natural course of the Ineffable is expansion of Its self, thus of Its self's nature. And Its self is ever conscious and deliberate. It is the Divine's deliberateness which is the clincher. The Ineffable does things on purpose, with purpose. It is selective, discriminating, intentional. It is following a plan: "As the Beginning, (the Ineffable) planned God, the heavens, and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). And in this plan It communicates, directs, responds, intervenes, and acts in power with all DELIBERATENESS. It is conscious, willful, knowing, careful, and prudent. Its works are non-accidental, carefully calculated and considered. This process TO ATTRACT US TO GODHOOD is by design, reasoned and thought out, providentially weighed, premeditated and voluntarily executed. Einstein said that God doesn't play dice with the cosmos. It doesn't have us banging through a pinball machine of vibrational attraction, either. Go with the Guy of whom it is said, "Thy kingdom must be being restored, Thy will must be being done on earth as it is in heaven." Assume you are there, too (in submission and cooperation, not presumption).


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