What Man Is: More Reply, Less Minced Words
I wondered, "What does Ein Sof want of man? The Endlessness is so incomprehensibly big, and man is so fantastically small, of what interest could we possibly be to It?"
"What is man that You are mindful of him?" (Psalm 8:4) came to mind. "For God so loved the world" (John 3:16). Why? Why love this tiny little clump of water, rocks, and monkeys in all the universe? What is this speck to You?
I remembered that there is nothing, absolutely nothing but the Ineffable. The Ineffable assumes It is something, and then becomes that thing. It only loves Itself, because there is nothing else. Why God loves us was quite shouted into my consciousness:
ME!! I love you because you are ME!! I love ME!! You are My Manifestation, ME!! You are not separate. I am not in you as though you are something separate or different from Me. You are ME!! All of you, from head to foot and all your outsides and insides - all your "perturbations" of Me - are ME!!
I, I am becoming. You are ground point zero of MY becoming. You are not the ground, you are ME!! I love you because you are ME. YOU ARE ME IN MY BECOMING. YOU ARE THE INEFFABLE - THE INFINITE, THE ETERNAL, AND THE ALMIGHTY. THERE IS NO OTHER!!
God has an attitude. It hates division, for all IS Him. He wants not for us to be like Him, but to recognize that we ARE Him, that we are little packages of Divine Intelligence. Jesus HAD that: "I and My Father are One." "I know Who You are, the Holy One, God!" Miracles of grace and faith are just heads-ups that He is here with and within AS us. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE!! Not that we can have whatsoever we want, but that we have His dominion here and now AS Him. All the animals in Genesis are thoughts. He wants them to be His thoughts, which they can be by submission to Him. That is why we say, "I AM..." "I AM -- an executive, a supervisor, a director, an actor, a writer, a teacher, a missionary, an...etcetera." Whatever we believe He would have us be in Its becoming.
As The Beginning It became us. NOW is the time for Resurrection.
I really love this post Dan. It is beautiful. Bill Donahue teaches that we are photons of light (consciousness). When you mentioned "packages" I thought of this. Somehow thinking of myself (or my consciousness) as a packet of light makes sense to me. I can see it. Adding that God loves me because I am Him is a humble reminder to go out into the world today and LOVE all I meet. (I probably won't get past my front door before I forget, but it's a great thought to start my day).
Take Care!
Cheryl C
ccraig, at 5:50 AM
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