Which World Is This? Doorway to the Reward (Which is What the Word 'Gospel' Means)
Preach the Everlasting Reward, the Revelation of the Love of God:
"And I saw another angel flying in heaven, who has His Revelation for [all ages of] the universe, proffering hope for those who dwell on earth, for every motherland and generation and tongue and nation, who said in a great voice, 'Work for God and give Him glory, for the hour of His judgment has arrived. And worship the one Who created the heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs'" (Revelation 14:6-7 Alexander, notes incorporated).I have to ask again, which world is this? Is it a world of natural physics, or is it the way the Bible says? Is it literal and historical, or is it symbolic illustration, or a combination of these? How so? Is there a conscious, loving Personality in force, or is there just a neutral, non-judgmental "force"? Are we cared for and directed by an active and discriminating Intelligence, or do we cause our own successes and failures?
In my own experience, before I was "saved" I thought we were physical and had minds that could do spiritual, ESP stuff. After I got into meditation and mind-science, I found a deceiving spirit had been influencing my mind. Oddly, while this demon was doing its job, it did not know that it was being used by Jesus to develop me for God's purpose. Seeing this, I was suddenly harvested, got saved, and realized that this world is as the Bible says it is. Just not like that.
This world is God's own development program. "He" is growing through it, through fixing us. This world is a language through which His nature is being cultivated in us. Have you ever wondered why God doesn't just reveal Himself to us? Why we go to Lourdes or to ministers to be healed? Are these things saying something to us? Like, "You have to come and submit, make actual contact in meekness, humility, patience, and full resignation to get the reward." The reward is for relations of His who diligently seek Him. Their Everlasting Reward is HIM!!
"Come unto ME," He says: "Come unto Me - the Divine Love - all you mourners and carriers of burdens, and I shall give you peace. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, as I am peaceful and gentle of heart, and you shall find peace in your souls. For my yoke is pleasant and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-29 Alexander and Jesus, note incorporated). Peace in our souls. Peace in our "I Am," - our imagination, our world, IF we are united with Him, IF we go to Him in love like Him, our Great Reward.
Preach the REWARD: reconciliation with God, into His love, into His oneness, in and through the Lamb.
Hi Dan, I had a thought while reading your post. Neville taught that we could not truly use our power, the power of God within us, until we had fused with Love. Developing mind power and the like is our attempt to take matters into our own hands, to see ourselves as the arbitrator of our fate, yet unless we fuse with Love, we will never really be able to access our true power and will wander in the desert searching for something deeper. I know someone who went through the Sylvan Mind Method course twice and had good results. She is a practicing catholic and yet now she has forgotten, as Neville said, to use her talents in her current way of life. She thinks of herself as old now and experiences many of the things one might experience in the declining years. Those who wander, looking for outside help to heal, are being guided to Him, yet haven't understood the message in full yet. Go within. One of the most shocking messages I remember hearing early on in my quest was Jesus ain't coming to save me. Now it was meant in terms of the second coming, because finding Jesus within me is my salvation. He isn't coming in the clouds though. Until I got it, I was wandering, lost, looking for the salvation that I was so desperately seeking in external sources. In my desperation I was willing to look anywhere I was led. Some were dead ends but in the end it led me to Dr. Wayne Dyer, who in one of his books mentioned Neville Goddard and the rest is history. I found Him. God means everything for our good. I can really see that now. How grateful I am that He led me to you. I enjoy the challenge of contemplation. It helps to expand my mind and my understanding. So thank you Dan.
Cheryl C
ccraig, at 5:13 AM
I am writing a post about what I learned yesterday. I think you will like it. You will notice I added the word ‘love’ to places in the text above. Because I learned the “I AM THAT I AM” was probably an ARABIC expression, rooted not in the Hebrew word to be but the Arabic word for to be impassioned, to love. So God’s name - Hashem - is Love. He is the Impassioned One. And YHWH not He Is, but His Love. Thank you for reading and the comment. If I ever write a book, I am going to owe you royalties.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:26 AM
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