The Becoming God

Saturday, June 26, 2021

It's a Spiritual Thing

"As above, so below," as one, big, spiritual thing. The universes and their cause, the "Thingless," are one. One entity. One being.

Separations are perceptions. Everything is relative (i.e., is your relative). We are in and parts of the Thing and the No-thing doing Its thing. All action is the one Being's action. The tea, the cup, your pouring the tea into the cup is all the Being's doing. It does not have to say; It thinks, is, and does.

The Being was ignorant. A small matter. It fixed it. The Body, a spiritual thing, is becoming fixed. "It was the Thing's ignorance; hence, the No-thing's: you are absolved." Redemption to the repentant. The one, big, spiritual Thing becoming pure.

Dr. TL Osborn - Understand And Take Command 01


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