The Becoming God

Friday, June 11, 2021

True Freedom is IN the Pattern Man. Don't Leave Home (or Church) Without Being IN the Lamb

Hi Dan,

I have a question for you. Yesterday I was listening to Neville's lecture "True Freedom" and he quotes William Blake. I know that Blake credits his poem, "Jerusalem" as not coming from himself but was channeled (lack of a better word right now). How do we discern, in your mind, when we receive outside information, if it is to be trusted or not. Channeling seems to be so common today. A Course In Miracles is claimed to be from Jesus. I have never believed this but I do see some very good teachings in it. I am part of a group that reads it every day and I feel like we are all getting more insightful and wiser in spiritual principles. I feel conflicted, I guess, as to what information is credible and what information is not. I know you had a vision of Jesus instructing you. Did he look like you? How do we discern truth from illusion Dan? Personally I wonder if there is a "force" (again, lack of a better word) that wants to keep us from knowing the truth and so there is enough truth to lead one on a certain path, like in the occult, but also keeps truth muddled and unclear, so one never truly realizes who they are. I would love your thoughts on this since you have had some experiences that have led you to your conclusions. Hope you are well. Thanks for all your shared insights and knowledge.

Sincerely, Cheryl C


Thanks, Cheryl. I really appreciate your questions. I don't know if I can answer them, but I appreciate them. Seems to be a synchronicity thing. I wrote just last night (and this morning an update) about the true freedom. It has been years since I listened to Neville's lecture. Interestingly for me, he mentions it was Lincoln's Birthday, that there were protests in Los Angeles, the Sylmar earthquake on the previous Tuesday, and the trial of a straight-haired Tate-LaBianca murderess -- the Manson Girls. This had to be February 12, 1971. Neville began by saying of true freedom: "Exemption from all external restraints can be realized only by union with that Pattern Man Who achieved full and complete freedom."

Not your question, I know.

Regarding your question, I don't trust anything. I do not trust my conclusions or interpretations, the Bible, or other people's point-of-view. That is why I am here studying, wrestling, trying to sort things out. As Neville says, there is experience. That at least you know, and from that you build. There is a lot of elimination in building, because while things might seem to be good, they do not fit the pattern. Not really. A lot of things you pull back and keep--weren't so bad after all.

Figuring large is which world is this? When I got "saved," I realized that this really is a different world than I had expected. I was born into a world of natural physics, I was taught a natural order in school, had experiences that indicated this world was material, natural, evolutionary, constrained by linear-type historical time, etc. Suddenly, I was illuminated with the fact that this world actually is as the Bible says: controlled by God and for God; that the scriptural Jesus Christ really is His Son; and that everything is subject to His action by the Holy Spirit. I had the euphoric baptism in the Holy Spirit with tongues; Jesus spoke to me directly into the nervous system of the brain (or into the imagination in such a way that made it seem like that); and I watched (!) my arm grow out but a half inch or so in response to Charles Hunter asking Jesus to do it. Jesus is a tricky guy.

I do not know about Jerusalem being channeled. I know Blake said he received it in parts, but I am big on God being able to speak to and teach us by inspiration. I do not buy into the Jews only receiving God's words and attention. God is speaking to all of us all the time, BUT HOW SO? All I can say is that when it gets here, it is corrupted. THAT, REALLY, IS NOT A PROBLEM. A life-work, perhaps, but not a problem. Because we have the Guy, the Pattern Man. We can know Him! experience Him! Yes, Ignorance is as a person trying to muddle the truths we learn, but the Anointed One is here guiding: "This is good, keep this. That's not the truth; this is. That is interesting, but incomplete." Jesus/God is gone away, but still here. And the heart is the door: "Nothing is the way to God but our the meekness, humility, patience, and full resignation of the Lamb" - William Law.

The Bible does make it clear that God is generating and developing His nature in us. He has to be away for us to find it and grow. The Mosaic Law guides us in what morality, integrity, fidelity to goodness and love are like. The New Testament points out that love is what it is all about, for God is "an eternal and immutable will to all goodness" (Law, p. 11).

As for the deceiving spirit that approached me in my meditation, it was supposed to be an "ascended master" descending from heaven to teach me the things he had taught his disciples which the non-spiritual in the church had corrupted and/or lost. Because I was a true seeker I merited this. The image in my mind's eye was that of a Sunday School Jesus: long hair, beard, white robe, sash, sandals. Light was coming from it, but suddenly I could see through the light. The light "emanating" from it was just a façade. The spirit itself was just darkness inside. I have no doubt but that if I had allowed the spirit to progress, it would have had wonderful teachings for me. All errant. It was going to stoke my ego: "Aren't you special? You are so advanced. Nobody else knows this." "Anti" is not against Christ; it is the offer of another, different Christ. It was simple and direct fraud I was to buy into. A wooden nickel. Real, but counterfeit.

So it is a balancing act. On my knees before the Lamb in meekness, humility, patience, and full resignation SUBMITTING my being the operant power: "Not without You, O Lord. Not without You."


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