The Becoming God

Friday, July 03, 2020

Surprised By The Person Of God

Back in 1975, I was curious and naively into the occult, metaphysics, meditation--that sort of stuff. In a guided meditation to invite an "ascended master" into my mind, "Jesus" was descending to come and teach me the things he had taught his disciples, the real spiritual training the church had lost. Suddenly I could see into the approaching spirit, and it was all darkness within. What I immediately realized was that I had been manipulated, my mind altered by a PERSON of superior position and power WHO WAS MONITORING WHAT WAS GOING ON AND WHO WAS INTERVENING IN POWER. My life was being monitored and directed without my even knowing it: on one level by me; on another level by the influencing demon I could now clearly see; and on a higher level by (gulp!) the real Jesus, who had just altered the ability of my mind's eye. I had been going the wrong way, and yet He was overseeing my life and was in total control, leading me into a formation beneficial to me and His purposes.

This unseen Person is discriminating and deliberate. He exercises selection and judgment. His influences are sharp, nuanced, and surgical. He knows EXACTLY what I am thinking and HOW I am thinking it. He knows the attitudes and the emotions within, the frame of the mind. He discerns wishful thinking and distinguishes faith, trust, confidence, and reliance. He is usually only seen by His ACTIONS.

And He acts momentarily. By momentarily I mean at the exact right moment. Charles Hunter prayed at a Charismatic Clinic, and when he called on Jesus' name, I watched my arm lengthen a little over a half inch AT THAT EXACT MOMENT. A half inch isn't much, but I saw that He--Jesus--knew me, heard the prayer, and acted.

I asked Him for the gift of tongues. He took me on a wild mental ride through who I am and how I got to be like I was. I hated myself and repented. I used the ability He'd had me learn in the occult to cast self-lordship out of myself, and in my new-found submission the Person filled the sky and spoke ever so softly: "Remember this, and it is all right." The Person rose in me as a living water enlivening my bowels, and with me spoke adoration, worship, praise, appreciation and gratitude to the Person in words I never could.

Before I left Hawaii, where I had been living as a bum before going to seminary, in a vision I saw Jesus scourged, carry His cross until He went into shock, and laid upon His back on the timber. I was being torn up inside: it was MY sin which was being punished; I should be there! (This will be important later.) The Person was monitoring my mind, as He always is. As I willed to project myself into His place on the cross, I heard, if emotions can be heard, that it had to be Him because I could not come up with a full, whole, perfect life to pay back the Person who had given me one. I owed Him a whole life, so it had to be His life. My life was water under the bridge, now: a day late and a dollar short--all that stuff. All I could do was weep in appreciation. He turned His face towards me in the vision and said into the nervous system of my brain's hearing lobe (so that it was AUDIBLE), "Come unto Me." I was amazed that He could do that--monitor and respond in transcendent power into physical manifestation.

I know God is a force, a field of consciousness and an infinite, ineffable Being beyond. But He is also a Person. The Field is a Person. He imagines by His consciousness. He imagines persons. I call them (us) conscii. We are a tiny blue speck of ignorance among kajillions of trillions of planets throughout the universe. There may be a whole lot more conscii than just us. The mystic Neville Goddard said he met on other spheres in imagination people who could scarcely believe that such a place as earth existed. (Has the population of heaven even ever been here?)

Neville believed that no character of scripture was a real certain human with that particular history. I agree: the biblical characters are psychological constructs for the purposes of scripture. There were people whose real experiences the scriptures are about, for, again, the purposes of scripture. But the scriptures are about what is going on in us, not what happened to them.

I believe there was a Season of Grace which did culminate in Jesus, a man anointed with the Person--the PERSON--of YHWH. THAT IS WHAT WE ALL ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. We are all supposed to culminate in, and as, the Manifestation of the Person of God in the person of man. That PERSON is the wisdom of God and the power of God, for He IS God.

Finally, that Person's nature permeates the universe. It is like He is monitoring everything all the time to make sure everything manifests His nature, which is constant increase, expansion, and beneficence. You might say He has faith in that. For Him, what He says in scripture is true. Not historically, but in corresponding spirit. As a person, He puts into effect what He says. He said it because it is His nature. "Ye were healed." When we believe He MEANS it, we are healed. It isn't rocket science; it's mechanical manifestation of the PERSON. I think Curry Blake has the right idea:

The Four Basic Principles of DHT Healing - March 19, 2017


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