The Becoming God

Monday, May 11, 2020

A Providential Confirmation Regarding the Kerygma

When you become familiar with God's vocabulary, you will notice that certain providential synchronicities are His way of conversing with you. For example, something you hear or read comes to mind while you shower or are driving somewhere. Later, you search for something on the radio to listen to, and on a station you wouldn't normally listen to they are teaching the very thing you thought about. Wow. Weird. You pick up a book to read (remember those?), and it happens to open to a page about that same thought. Your pastor preaches about it, the movie you watch seems to present an enactment of it.

Say hello to God. He is talking to you through His hands, kind of a divine sign-language.

I bring this up because I just heard Him. My last few posts got me to present my testimony and my understanding of the kerygma. Turning to YouTube for a break, suggested was a post from Supreme Yogi about Sri Paramahansa Yogananda: When You Feel Like Quitting or Giving Up Your Search For God, Remember This Advice! I really like Supreme Yogi's point of view and presentations, so I clicked it. Yogananda preached the kerygma. In his own way, of course. He never mentions Jesus Christ, but then again, neither did God when He proclaimed the kerygma to me. No one goes to the Father except by Jesus Christ, but other people understand Him differently: not as the guy, but as what He is. For my Chinese father-in-law, He was the "Words of Heaven (Tian)." That's what he lived his life by. Would to God I could be like him. He listened.

It may be confusing that there are multiple kerygmas, but upon inspection they all turn out to be the same. It is presented many different ways, because they are all translations of the real thing God is and is doing.


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