The Becoming God

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Neville Goddard and the Wisdom of Solomon: the Child in Us is Eternity; We are the Ineffable's Message

I long wondered what Jesus Christ is, and just what it is that is really going on. I got that everything is God's becoming into this dimension, and that the Ineffable Most High (...?) is something so far beyond our comprehension that It is . . . ineffable. But I also got that the Ineffable has an imagination--consciousness and intelligence--which is Its power to move, create, and express Itself. I am the only one I know of who thinks the Ineffable has learned a lot about Itself during Its lifetime, that It is self-discovering.

The Ineffable discovered that It was not in this dimension, though It could be (or rather, that this dimension was not yet It), and moved by Its imagination,* Its "Son," to make this dimension Itself. Because the Ineffable is, well, ineffable, the only part of It we can know is Its imagination, of Which we are, and Which is "God" to us. (*Bullinger in the Companion Bible translates 'possessed' [Hebrew kanah, Proverbs 8:22] as "constituted." I.e., the Ineffable constituted Its wisdom as Its intention to manifestly manifest Itself in this dimension. Its wisdom is the pattern of Its manifestation, and is also our destiny, the End to which we are headed.)

The trouble we run into is the expressing of the Ineffable in this dimension: we are spirit; it is intelligence believing itself to be ignorant, physical matter--the extreme opacity of the Ineffable's imagination. The reconciliation of these two is what it is that is really going on. Which is why I am interested in Maimonides' discussion on angels. Angels, as I read Maimonides, are the natural forces resultant from the wisdom of the Ineffable's imagination manifest in the natural order. Which would be cool if people weren't all the time seeing angels. Angels, miracles, and other manifestations are MESSAGES, information from God to us to help God in what He is doing.

I do not know if Maimonides ever considered other highly-evolved souls throughout the universe--conscii I have been calling them-- to be messengers, but I think he would allow that the Wisdom Of The Ineffable is the Prime Messenger in this dimension. Solomon said the constituted wisdom of the Ineffable was Its joy, constantly before Its mind's eye as a delightful Child, a stripling (Proverbs 8:30-31), and that the Ineffable put that Child, the Ineffable’s wisdom, in us (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Thus we are messengers of God communicating information about Him by the natural forces of Him in this dimension.

PS: Some things I was writing or had cut-and-pasted but am not sure I should include:

God constituted Its acquired wisdom as Its full and complete Manifestation--"eternity." Its eternal wisdom is every potential state that might possibly enter into existence; i.e., time-space--the universe--itself. The Ineffable's wisdom, Its self, is the final Manifestation. No wonder, then, that It is fully conscious of every state throughout the eons, as It--Christ--becomes through them.

Maimonides on Angels – Merrimack Valley Havurah
Jul 8, 2016 · What Rambam was saying was that most “religious” people are prepared to believe in angels but are not prepared to believe that the forces of nature are the angels – the messengers of God through which the purposes of the Deity are effected.


Readers must also remember what they read in 2:6, for in this chapter he defines “angel” as “natural forces.” Maimonides writes: “This is also the view we meet in all parts of Scripture; every act of God is described as being performed by angels [emphasis added]. But ‘angel’ means ‘messenger’; hence every one that is entrusted with a certain mission is an angel. Even the movement of the brute creation…. It is also used of ideals, perceived by prophetic visions, and of man’s animal powers…. [F]or natural forces and angels are identical. How bad and injurious is the blindness of ignorance!”


Jewish thinkers throughout the ages understood Judaism differently than did their less educated coreligionists. The general population based their view of Judaism on mistaken notions of how God and the world function. Their thinking was frequently based on myths and superstition, as well as ideas taken from neighboring nations. They reacted to the ideas of intelligent thinkers as attacks on the very foundations of their knowledge and as threats to all that they believed.

God’s Wisdom, His Manifestation, is His Messenger. We cannot know the Ineffable otherwise. Everything is Its message and Its messenger. And we are of It. -Me


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