The Becoming God

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Have Absolutely No Problem With God, I Hope You Don't Either

There being a real god is like the "I think, therefore I am," thing. It isn't that because we exist, and you can't get something from nothing (unless It's the No-thing which can become anything), therefore God must exist. No, even if natural forces in the absence of anything else did become the universe, and it us, my clincher for there being a real spiritual god is PERSONALITY.

For even if I had made a god in my own image, it couldn't make my limbs grow at the exact instant the name Jesus is invoked. Psychosomatic healing and stress-released endorphins causing euphoria I understand. But there is simply too much other-than-me personality involved; too much forethought, planning, orchestration, and coordination evident in what happens in my life for it all to be coming from me. The up-flow of sensations and ecstasy in the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the phenomenon of speaking in tongues, hearing God's audible voice in my brain could all be my mind playing tricks on me. But outside phenomena, including physical changes in the healing of myself and of others (over there, while I am over here) in instantaneous response to the speaking of the word 'Jesus,' indicate that there is a person, a CONSCIOUSNESS OTHER THAN MINE listening, thinking, and powerful to act -- to effect change. Someone doing change deliberately timed says it all.

In other words, there really is a god invisible, almighty, and presently conscious of "this" (everything around us). It thinks (apart from you and me), therefore It is. Voila! You’re a believer. We are here, and It is here, too. We are here, and what does It expect? What is It doing . . . that we are here for? Well, we are now man-to-man with It. Let's ask.


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