The Becoming God

Monday, May 21, 2018

The Beginning was the End for Satan

The Beginning in Genesis 1:1 was when the Ineffable imagined what it would be like for It to be completely manifest, which INCLUDED everything that would have to happen for that complete manifestation to come about. The Ineffable's imagination and consciousness, which was that which would become completely manifest, would have to become completely ignorant of what it was in order for it to grow conscious of what it really is: the Ineffable in all Its power and wisdom. I.e., free to individually be the Ineffable.

The ignorance we entered is the Devil, Satan to us. The thing I just realized is that in the End, Satan is completely eliminated. Ignorance is overcome, vanquished.

Those who have been reading me for awhile understand that everything that may ever exist, every potential, WAS IN THE BEGINNING. I.e., everything ALREADY EXISTS in the mind of God. We now, in prayer, call these things forth. And what already exists in the mind of the Ineffable is the absence of Satan.


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