The Becoming God

Monday, May 21, 2018

Raymond 5 States Answer to Prayer

Good evening Dan, thank you for this insight.

As I type this, I have the Art Lindell "Choose Ye This Day" video paused, I downloaded the article you linked, I will read it tonight, thank you so much for keeping me in mind, I really appreciate it.

I want to take this moment and briefly share with you the experience that changed my life, and has kept me reading and searching for an answer without rest.

Three years ago, while temporarily staying at a cousin's apartment when the house I currently live in was being remodeled, I laid in bed dressed and ready to go get some taco bell for lunch. Feeling frustrated and bit angry from my never ending struggle, I verbally said while looking at the ceiling, "What Do I Do?! Tell Me What To Do!" I almost cried. I got up and went on my way, but, while driving back from taco bell, the white car in front of me moved to the left lane and revealed a silver Tesla Model S, the car I wanted to buy back then, but while admiring the glass roof I glanced down at the license plate, and it said this: U CRE8 U. I could barely hold onto the steering wheel, never again did I doubt if God is real, my life changed that afternoon, because in a matter of 20 minutes, I visually received a direct answer, something I never thought could happen. I shared the experience with my mom and family members, but nobody believed me nor cared. I don't share my experiences anymore. Since then, I've been reading anything I can get my hands on focused on learning how to create myself.

As always, thank you for your generosity and kindness.

Best Regards,


So, Raymond, do you find God Himself to be an excellent and capable teacher? The wonders of His orchestration never cease to amaze me. Nobody sees His hands moving things around, but there are the results right in front of us. I love it when I am getting a specific lesson -- I accidentally catch a teaching on the radio from a preacher I otherwise never listen to, then a certain song takes on new meaning, I see a license plate or sign like you did, a verse becomes illumined while I'm in the shower, and its illumination becomes an ongoing sermon in my mind. Almost everyday is like, "Everything I knew was wrong." So many times I have thought I have finally reached the end, only to find that God must roll over with laughter when I think that.

Case in point: this morning I wrote: "If we are God, it is reasonable that our prayer language should be the language of God. I find and believe that God speaks to us in a language of example and illustration. What we see and experience in life is a message from God, his speech."

This is the Seven Essene Mirrors idea that Gregg Braden shares about on YouTube turned on its head as the way we should talk to God. By imagining examples and illustrations of our desires, we do what Neville and Joseph Murphy (Abdullah and the Bible) were saying. If God speaks this way to us in the Bible, we can speak to Him in this same way, too. This reminds one of the old axiom, "A picture is worth a thousand words." No wonder the Bible lasts a whole lifetime.

Dan Steele


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