Neville was an ascetic when he met Abdullah. Abdullah himself was a devout Jew. These followed the Law. I bring this up because I am shocked at my son's finding out that the people who live next to him, the pastor of a Pentecostal church, are dealing marijuana. Yes, it is legal in California, but it is still illegal in the United States. And they are not in the legal part of the enterprise, anyway. And the next day, the policeman up the street (who knows the instructors at the seminary I went to because he went to their bible studies) shares with me that he is mad his wife has been telling people in their swingers' group that they are
both bi-sexual, because he
isn't. You have bigger problems than that, friend.
Christian drug dealers, Christian swingers? I am taken aback. I knew my son's neighbors drank a lot of beer, but dealing marijuana? I haven't held a woman's hand except my wife's in thirty-eight years, and we've only been married thirty-seven. I don't think God is into swinging. God in the principle of Jesus expects some kind of integrity, of faithfulness, in us.
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