The Becoming God

Friday, January 19, 2018

A Really Great Example of "I Remember When," or Its Flip Side?

I suppose that most students of Neville Goddard are familiar with the technique he called "I remember when." It is a complement to the technique he called "the pruning shears of revision." In my post "The Secrets of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagination," I included a link to Gregg Braden's video where a woman in China with an inoperable tumor is healed by the prayers of physicians in about two minutes. An anonymous comment at 6:46 on that post noted: "regarding the words the Chinese pray-ers 'chanted'. They are, 'hua-le' (it's dissolved), 'san-le' (it's scattered), 'mei-le' (it's gone). As you and Gregg Braden both rightly pointed out, there's nothing magical about the words themselves - save the acceptance of a state where the tumor does not exist."

I also made comment on that medicineless operation in "Neville Goddard's Secret-of-Success Answer to Sami: the Death of the Salesman":

I think this is one of the big secrets that everyone is looking for in the Law of Assumption. I have tried to explain elsewhere, but nobody does it better than Neville (see paragraph below). You can listen to it on YouTube, if that is accessible to you, as *Rare* Neville Goddard Lecture 255 "Sami's Question" (1968) ( Says Neville there:

"When I speak of feeling, I don't mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. And you can think you did that, but you can know for sure: if you haven't achieved your goal, you don't have acceptance. And the reason you don't have acceptance is that you are still thinking of the goal rather than thinking from the goal. That is all there is to it. And if you are thinking of a goal, rather than thinking from the goal, you can do that for ten years and nothing will happen. But the instant you think from the goal, your world will change. And that can happen tomorrow. It can happen in an instant, but it can never happen from continuing to think in that older way" (emphasis mine).

Acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled is the key. So also is vividness, gratitude and thanksgiving. It isn't just being there, say as an actor on the stage; it is 'there' being real to you. This brings to mind Gregg Braden's discussion of the three physicians in Beijing metaphysically operating on a woman with a tumor in her bladder. I found a copy of it called "Gregg Braden Feeling is Prayer" The relevant section starts at 8:13 and the operation is seen (!) at 14:35 to 16:35. Two minutes flat to heal an inoperable cancer! The thing is, the three TRAINED pray-ers agreed that the woman was normal, that the tumor was not there. Braden seems to think they were saying, "Wa-sa," but I hear "Hua," "Se," and "Mei." These are not magic, but express their acceptance of the desired reality. And the tumor disappeared in two minutes flat. The pray-ers were trained to do what? The relevant clip starts with Gregg explaining this.

What are they doing in the video? The implication is that this heart attitude is really how to pray. Their prayer is not the words; it is the attitude they are experiencing inside. Find that, and you have found the fulfillment of all your dreams.

We make great mental effort to convince ourselves that what we desire is, that we are there, that we are in it, that we are thinking from it, that we have the feeling of having accepted it, that we have received it. But as long as we are trying to sell this to ourselves, we haven't accepted it. When we break through to actually accepting it as reality, the salesman "dies." We have bought it -- lock, stock, and barrel.

Neville asks, "What would it be like if it were true? Can you believe it?" If you do believe it, the world will be compelled to manifest it in the out-picturing of your inner person. Prayer is compelling the world.

Those who show up in prayer lines for healing believe that Jesus Christ is Lord (YHWH). They might be quite inaccurate in what they do believe about him, but they thoroughly believe that he is. They accept it. Healing tells them, "Yeah, you've got this much right. Now you KNOW that I am real and that I am Lord." Once that is anchored, he can straighten out the details.

We don't have to have all the details right. All we have to do is to believe that what we see or hear or feel in our imagination is real. Real real. Burt Goldman has a good line on this. He came up with Quantum Jumping, which is imagining that you go to another planet where another you is doing something you want to do or knows something you want to know, and you carry that ability or knowledge (or whatever) back to this reality with you. But the thing is: their reality, the one you are visiting, is real to you. You accept your doppelganger's reality as a real reality -- brick and mortar stuff. I imagine that the logic of Quantum Jumping, which I have not tried, suspends your salesman (or at least confuses the hell out of him).

The Chinese operation reminds me of Neville's experience with his friend's son in Neville Goddard's book The Power of Awareness (Chapter 23, Case History 6, below):

Only the most complete and intense use of the law of assumption could have produced such results in this extreme situation.

Four years ago, a friend of our family asked that I talk with his twenty-eight-year-old son, who was not expected to live.

He was suffering from a rare heart disease. This disease resulted in a disintegration of the organ.
Long and costly medical care had been of no avail.

Doctors held out no hope for recovery. For a long time, the son had been confined to his bed. His body had shrunk to almost a skeleton, and he could talk and breathe only with great difficulty. His wife and two small children were home when I called, and his wife was present throughout our discussion.

I started by telling him that there was only one solution to any problem, and that solution was a change of attitude. Since talking exhausted him, I asked him to nod in agreement if he understood clearly what I said. This he agreed to do.

I described the facts underlying the law of consciousness – in fact that consciousness was the only reality. I told him that the way to change any condition was to change his state of consciousness concerning it. As a specific aid in helping him to assume the feeling of already being well, I suggested that in imagination, he see the doctor's face expressing incredulous amazement in finding him recovered, contrary to all reason, from the last stages of an incurable disease, that he see him double checking in his examination and hear him saying over and over, "It's a miracle – it's a miracle".

He not only understood all this clearly, but he believed it implicitly. He promised that he would faithfully follow this procedure. His wife, who had been listening intently, assured me that she, too, would diligently use the law of assumption and her imagination in the same way as her husband. The following day I sailed for New York – all this taking place during a winter vacation in the tropics.

Several months later, I received a letter saying the son had made a miraculous recovery. On my next visit, I met him in person. He was in perfect health, actively engaged in business and thoroughly enjoying the many social activities of his friends and family.

He told me that from the day I left, he never had any doubt that "it" would work. He described how he had faithfully followed the suggestion I had made to him and day after day had lived completely in the assumption of already being well and strong.

Now, four years after his recovery, he is convinced that the only reason he is here today is due to his successful use of the law of assumption.

The Chinese physicians' use of the words/ideas that it's dissolved, it's scattered, and it's gone; is that remembering when, or revision?


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