The Becoming God

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Corporate Causation Campaigns

One reads in It Works (R. H. Jarret, DeVorss & Company, 1926) that you should "not talk to any one about your plan except to the Great Power within you . . ." The reason given for this secrecy is negative and discouraging comments one will receive from skeptics and "realists." Their advice may also be distracting and contrary to the direction the Great Power would otherwise be unfolding to your Objective Mind regarding the method of accomplishment. But what about non-skeptics?

I do not find it particularly easy to cause what I want by imagining. I am inspired by the experience of Janet Gunther, my classmate at Melodyland School of Theology and neighbor at Foxy Glen Apartments. She contracted tuberculosis (I know - she gave it to me). Then, alone in her apartment in her praise and worship time, she was so caught up into the heavens that she felt that she was actually there in Heaven with God. And the Voice said, "You are healed." And she was. A couple of years ago I was considering how existence is the Intelligence of God. This caught my head up into the heavens, and as I lay down in my bed to sleep that night I said to the Intelligence, "You can heal me." Immediately the pain that had been in my neck and shoulder disappeared. Kind of a, "Yes, I can," from the Voice.

Alone works, but it is not easy. My other healings have been in groups: the laying on of hands by elders, attending a Charismatic evangelism campaign, and in an evening healing service. Churches routinely ask members to turn and pray for one another, and prayer circles are regularly practiced. I know of a number of stories in which God was trying to take a person who was ill in the hospital, but the prayer group there for him unwittingly kept healing him.

My point is, corporate prayer works -- there is strength in numbers, so why go it alone if there are like-minded people who can join you in imagining the end you desire? You can imagine the job you want, the place you want to be, the state you want to exist; why not invest in revealing this to other imaginers and join them in imagining your and their successes? In the lecture I Remember When, Neville said that the grandfather "would stand on an empty lot and say, 'I remember when this was an empty lot,' and then he would paint a word picture of his desire for that lot so vividly that those who heard him could see it completed right before their eyes." This is exactly what I mean: paint your desire with word pictures so vividly that those who hear you can see it completed right before their eyes. Of course you can do this when you are alone, but if others will agree and imagine with you, and they are that Great Power . . .


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