The Becoming God

Friday, November 24, 2017

Do Not Blow The Opportunity: Shine the Ineffable

Are we blowing opportunity? Because no one ever sat me down and explained that school was an opportunity, I blew it. Unenlightened, uninformed, uninspired, and undirected, I did not apply myself to take advantage of it. What might have been? Are we blowing it again?

This is just such an opportunity: to be Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the PRINCIPLE -- Note: PRINCIPLE -- that the ineffable Most High improves. Every day, in every way, It gets better. That the ineffable Source changes at all is absolute heresy in the church, but it is the Gospel: constant change is the only thing that doesn't change. And the controlling PRINCIPLE of this change is Love: everything (in one way or another in the overall) for good, improvement, better, for the Ineffable is heading for the full and mature manifestation of Itself.

There is no Jesus Christ apart from the Ineffable manifesting Itself positively. “He” is the PRINCIPLE that the Ineffable's own existence manifests as goodness — YHWH, "Jehovah” — the Ineffable in covenant with us. This principle was Jethro, "His abundance," to Moses; and is Jesus, "I have come that they might have lives, and that they should have even more than this" (Alexander) to us. Jethro is constant improvement from chaos to order, from less to more, from illness to health. This is the Pattern Man Neville spoke of — the PRINCIPLE which has come to us: the Ineffable constantly manifests better. We are to present -- to manifest -- this principle by everything we think, say, and do.


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