The Becoming God

Sunday, October 15, 2017

To the Point: the Antediluvian Patriarch Filler

There is a field of intelligence and power which far predates the earth. I conceive it as the accumulation of all spiritual experience of all the universe. It is, hence, pretty smart and pretty experienced. Was it eternal before the Big Bang, or eternal since? It doesn't matter: to us it is God, and there is no other.

We may assume that all contribution to the field has recognized that ignorance and its evil are bad, and that knowledge of spirituality and love are good. In this, the field is jealous; it desires manifestation of good, spirituality and love, and the elimination of ignorance and evil. The field has the power and motivation to act.

The field may be engaged more directly in meditation. It informed Moses. The field is in man as consciousness and works through imagination. With regard to mankind, it has an agenda, an objective: to make man like it. The informed Moses wrote the Pentateuch to this end, making the Torah not only a success manual for man, but for God.

We find ourselves in a situation: we are consciousness in man ignorant of our potential, and God, the field, wants us to make progress toward field-ness. Early Genesis explains: the field has created a plan for us (Genesis 1); our ignorance is mucking things up (the Fall); we think what "is" is permanent, missing its transitoriness (Cain and Abel); and have substituted religion(s) in response to the fields' leading (Seth and Enosh). Religion is inadequate to the field's objective of our being like it.

God is something of a cracker: He wants us to become co-creators, for the word to be in our mouths, that we may do it and be like him. He brings forth our conscious surety of the inner man, Jacob. This revelation is, in Genesis chapter five, Kenan (Cainan). Not a man other than each of us, but a revelation and a realization, an element of our spiritual development.

Realization of our actual, spiritual inner man initiates conscious relationship with God. He has fame and praise in us, and we make a show of it, boasting and raving about Him. This shining forth in us is Mahalaleel (Mahalalel). ( I am reminded by Bullinger, Companion Bible, Genesis 32:28, margin note "Israel," that in compound names with Eil (El) or Yah, God is the doer of the verb portion. Hence, when we Kenan -- realize that our inner man is real -- it is GOD who throws out his hands and goes crazy.)

Jared means descent, but it is not our descent. The Highest descends to our consciousness.

Initiated into consciousness of the field, we narrow our focus and throttle down -- Enoch -- to be taught by its presence. It is always present, but we are not always in such clear communication with it. Here, we are concentrated on one channel.

Not necessarily a happy place to be, especially if your life has been at great variance to God. We suffer the sting of death due to sin and overwhelming guilt. "Would that I could die," Methuselah, but we can't. We have to be adult, and suffer the spear.

And what is the adult thing to do? Lamech: lay down our kingdom. Surrender utterly, and die of our self, of our self-lordship and self-control, which have been in rebellion against God. This is real prostration, the inner man, not the physical body.

Now what are you going to do? Not a God-damned thing. Because it would be. It is His move. In the rest of Noah, you are locked in your ark and float away to the field's re-creation of your world. You don't worry about it. You have everything you need within you -- all the thoughts God has brought you, the clean and holy thoughts of the field, and time. You think of the good things you like, Shem, and you imagine them as existing, Ham, in the experience of your world, Japheth.

NOW you feel it.

Things go pretty well, unless your imagining becomes perverted, which will curse Canaan, your perfect country.

-- The Antediluvian Patriarchs, the knowledge of God, the course to causation.

(Added 02/14/2018: I found this woman's research interesting on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural TV program, at about 9:30 and following:


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