An Imagic World Problem: Lone Women Indicate Unfulfilled Desires of Errant Prayer Life
At the reunion I happened to sit across from the girl who was the most beautiful and nicest girl of my graduating class. I mentioned what I thought, and others at the table agreed. My comments were not meant to be a come-on or flattery, they were just an observation sincerely meant remembering those days. I was delighted to find that she and other classmates at the table had lived and worked in Hawaii as I had, and that some were still living there. What disturbed me was that this "most desirable" woman is now alone in the world. Another girl I dated in high school also confided that she was alone and said she had never even felt love (this was not a pick-up line from her, either—I am way too married; I guess I look like an old doctor good for counsel or something). Anyway, meeting these and other single women at the party, recalling my own single female family members, and remembering Love's (a lonely anonymous commenter to my posts) plight, I realized that I was looking at an IMAGIC MANIFESTATION. The world swung into revelation mode.
In my worldview, everything is an image of something about God as He is manifest in us and as us. Our lives and environments are pronouncements of His state, His real-time manifestation here and now. Our lives are His speech. It is not always good, because it emanates from what we believe and accept. Kind of a collective declaration of status, a reference to how we are doing. If you think about it, the processes of reproduction, respiration, digestion, the circulatory and nervous systems, all represent characteristics of God's nature. Relations, things in the animal kingdom, the manifest universe all around us--everything reveals God in one way or another. (The last word in John 1:18, not having an object, must be translated "revealed.") This is, after all, His manifestation, so everything images Him. To "see" Him, we look at "it"; i.e., everything that is going on in and around us. Life reflects Him. If we do not like it, we can change ourselves--change what we believe and/or accept and our corresponding actions. I think this is the point of Gregg Braden's discussion on the Seven Essene Mirrors (he doesn't look like that anymore). And here are these lovely, single women.
Imagically, women are desires. The life-force of God which is Adam, "God's blood," in desiring a thing becomes that thing's "mother," its life-giver. Adam's desire is Eve. This spirit is feminine gender, just as Sarai, Abram's wife, is spiritual striving which does not bare fruit. Aspirations and desires for success get old and weak. What was once full of potential eventually becomes impotent, like the woman with an issue of blood. Jairus (Mark 5:22-41) had the right idea for his withering ambition: he went to Jesus. Just as Abram with God had become Abraham, the Merciful Father, and by that Sarai became young princess Sarah, bearing Isaac, Laughter, Jairus in going to Jesus (YHWH/God's-action-in-us) touched God. Jairus' old desire came to life again as vibrant and full of potential as a twelve-year-old girl.
Were to God we were going to God. An imagic world full of single women tells me that we are not seeking God, are not touching God well. Women should have spouses, families, fulfillment of all their potential. I still can hardly believe that the most beautiful and nicest girl of my class fifty years later has no family, a woman who should be as a young princess to some loving, wonderful man. Her Isaac--laughter--is waiting to be born to an Abraham.
WE, IGNORANCED GOD IN THE PROCESS OF BECOMING GOD MANIFEST, NOT INVOLVING/TOUCHING GOD IN OUR DESIRES/PURSUIT OF SUCCESS, ARE THE CAUSE OF THIS! I suppose that some women must be alone, because some men are not reaching out to/touching God. It is imagic of our lives. Whatever the cause for our spiritual atrophy, pray that people will reach out and involve God in the prayerful pursuit of their desires. Let's hope no woman has to be alone.
He gets it. Fiftieth reunion would make you and the lonely souls seated across the table from you 67 or 68. Right? How can they be married into "loving, productive homes"? They are well past child bearing years. Too late. I won't see 67 alone, I can tell you that much. I won't be sticking around for that.
Anonymous, at 11:01 PM
You don't need to produce a family to be included in a productive family. Even at 68 or 98 a woman can gain grandchildren or great grandchildren - all the love any person can absorb or bear.
Neville said in Seedtime and Harvest that future events cause things to happen now. Insert your future revelation of God's relationship with you and you might perceive why your life sucks now rejecting that relationship. It isn't revenge or retaliation; it's letting himself (in you) stew in his own juices.
Do not count yourself out at 39, 78, or 117. He doesn't. There is no discharge from this war. The Holy Spirit is the one calling us into relationship, and resisting Her will NEVER be accepted. The only way out is to soldier up and surrender.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 7:17 PM
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