What Shall the Mud-man Do?
It was an odd sort of forgiveness, if you want to call it that. I was overwhelmed with guilt, for I had lived a life of rebellion. I had done whatever I desired to do with the life God had given me, with never a thought of what had he given the life to me for, or even a word of thanks. I had taken his life as mine, and in so doing I had stolen all the time I could have and should have been doing whatever it was he created me for.
And now I was facing Him. I couldn't do anything to make amends. All I could do was to stop doing what I was doing, and take whatever came. I expected some kind of make up for lost time, or some kind of discipline. He was the Highest, the Glorious God; and I was a mud-man, a simple object of his possession. Yet he hadn't squashed me, and I waited for my task.
"Remember this, and it is all right," was all he said in the faintest of voices. No payback? No vengeance? What about my selfish, rebellious past, my sin? Forget about it. Whatever you do, remember this; that I am Glorious God, and you are my mud-man. That's it. And then it's all right.
I guess you'd call it forgiveness. Grace. Mercy. I expected condemnation, because I was feeling plenty of that. I saw the condemnation worthiness of myself. All I knew at the moment was that I wasn't condemned, but accepted, and I went with that: Danny the Holy Roller. TYJC!
No purpose but that I remember that he is Glorious God and I am me? What, then, do I do? Well, what does he want done? What is he doing? He has saved the world, and he wants the world to know it. And how. Okay, here is the blog The Becoming God. It is just a little bit, but hopefully it will contribute at least this little bit to changing the world the way he wants. Thank you for reading.
See http://imagicworldview.blogspot.com/2017/10/work-from-cleft.html
I asked myself this question an hour ago before opening your blog. How do I know if it is me being selfish? Neville said in Freedom of all,chapter 7:"God speaks to you through the medium of basic desire". Is Romans 12.2 the key. If it not good pleasing and perfect it is just me being selfish.
Kk, at 3:32 PM
Kk, a good question. You asked after the first paragraph, and I decided to write in a bunch more. I assume that what you mean is if I am seeking to do God's will, how do I know whether it is his will, or just my being selfish? In Freedom For All, chapter 7, "Desire--the Word of God," Neville notes that God speaks to our conscious minds by our basic desires. Then we have that "hunger" in mind. It does not matter what that hunger is, as long as we abide in the Golden Rule. And as I note above, that we remember that we belong to Him in whatever we do.
Romans 12:2. And do not resemble this world,* except become transformed through the renewal of your vision, and be discerning as to what is good, acceptable and mature according to God's will (Alexander).
Yes, I suppose you could say that is key to living in the will of God. But it is a judgment call: how do we know it is good, acceptable and mature according to God's will, or selfish?
Romans 12
1. I beseech you, therefore, brethren,* by the mercies of God, that you submit your bodies a living, holy and acceptable sacrifice to God, through wholesome ministry.
2. And do not resemble this world,* except become transformed through the renewal of your vision, and be discerning as to what is good, acceptable and mature according to God's will.
3. I say then through the blessings that are given me for all of you, do not look for anything outside of what you are supposed to look for, except look inside yourselves, every human being according to the measure of faith that which God doled out to them.
4. For just as in one body we have many members, and all members do not have one function,
5. Thus we also who are many, are one body in Christ, each one of us then are members of each other.
6. Except we have different endowments, according to the blessings that are given us, there is prophesy as the yardstick of faith.
7. And there are those who serve through ministry. And there are those that teach through their erudition.
8. And there are those that love through loving, and the giver who gives* genuinely and the helper who strives to help,* and the merciful, who performs acts of compassion* joyfully,
9. And let not your love be treacherous, except despise evil doing and embrace goodness.
10. Be kind to your brethren, and love one another. Be the first to respect each other.
11. Be strivers and not irresponsible. Be fervent in spirit. Be workers for your Master.
12. Rejoice in your hope. Anticipate your sufferings. Have faith in your prayer.
13. Respond* to the need of the saints. Be kind to strangers.
14. Bless your rejections. Bless and do not curse.
15. Be happy with those who are happy. And cry with those who cry.
16. And whatever you recommend for yourselves, do also for your brethren. And do not conceive great opinions, except embrace those of compassion. And do not be set in your own opinion.
17. And do not repay evil with evil. Except exhaust every opportunity to do good deeds before humanity.
18. And if possible for you, make peace with every human being.
19. And do not love yourselves dearly, except hold back your anger. For it is written in Scriptures,
"If you do not take justice into your own hands,*
I will do justice unto you,"
thus says God.
20. And if your enemy hungers, feed him, and if he thirsts, give him water. And if you do these things, you will heap burning coal on his head.*
21. Do not conquer evil by yourselves, except conquer evil by good deeds.
*12:1 Lit. Ar. id. construction: "Want or pray I thus from you, my brothers..."
*12:2 Lit. Ar. id. expression retained: "These people here."
*12:8.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Through."
*12:8.2 Lit. Ar. id. construction: "And who raises head by endeavoring."
*12:8 Lit. Ar. id.: "Through."
*12:13 Lit. Ar. id. figure of speech: "Associate yourself with."
*12:20 Lit. Ar. id. expression: "Embers of fire you will bury on his skull."
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 7:45 PM
Continuing with Kk, I think your question would come down to "what is good, acceptable and mature according to God's will?" Like that is all we have to do, all that we CAN do. No pressure or anything. Yet Neville says to desire "better than the best." That sounds selfish, but he says DON'T PLAN ON HOW YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT. It has its own way of expressing itself, the middle/second part of manifestation. You can desire the world, quite literally, like Nebuchadnezzar, AND IT WILL BE GIVEN YOU. But don't you dare think that YOU are the one who achieved it. Kk the Golden Head. Do not think less of yourself. "Do not resemble these people here, except become transformed through the renewal of your vision." We get to say either what, or how. If we say how, we screw up everything. If we say what by the renewal of our vision, God does it. Don't worry about being selfish, imagine the best, and leave it to God to orchestrate the how. When he opens doors and you discern they are good, go through them. If you get the world, don't be too proud of yourself.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:11 PM
Thank you Dan for the blog it is a gem!! Also thank you for answering my comment.
Reading Romans 12 made me think again about the fact that I wanted to be doing stuff his way not my way. My way is clumsy and his way is perfect. I also prayed for my desires and got sometimes knock offs. Doors where open but still it not as I imagined the feeling will be, things were missing. I am still learning...
How to listen God's voice? What can I do? Have Faith and confidence and never say how, God is not Aladdin's genie after all, are there any missing ingredients? What does the renewal of our vision really mean?
Thanks also for introducing me to TL Osborn,I started slowly to be interested in God the year he died, he was really brilliant!
Kk, at 4:47 PM
Kk, I am learning, too. This is for me a great way to learn. Regarding how to hear God's voice, Neville just shared in chapter seven of Freedom for All that our basic desire is God's word to us. That "Word" is, in the Aramaic, His Milta; i.e., His Manifestation. God is not an alien force sitting somewhere out there. He is our own -- in our brain -- consciousness and imagination. Neville said, "not so far as to be near," I say, "He is zero distance away." I hear him as I wonder about things in the shower. Those idle thoughts explaining things, the insights, are him. The way I hear is described well by Mark Virkler on Youtube.com. I hope you can get that.
Mark Virkler's Message in 8 Minutes
How to Hear God and See Visions
Richard Met God
Renewal of vision: you had a life and a worldview and pattern of behavior as you grew up. That was your old vision. The things you imagined formed your world around you. Oops! You found out that what the Bible says is true, and your old view of the world and how everything works was wrong. Immediately you are on a new path, but you have still a lot to learn. That's cool, God has a lot of time. You see thing differently now, you imagine differently, have new purpose, new pattern of behavior, new conduct toward others. You are in an inner transformation, you have a new conscience: the Golden Rule, and God's love (in and through you) for your fellow. Discern what is good, & etc., and be transformed by it.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:01 PM
Fantastic posts and videos, Dan. I've really enjoyed everything you've shared this week, and your entire blog actually. Thank you for your contribution!
Anonymous, at 8:19 AM
Thank you. Like Kk, we are all learning here. There is quite a bit to put together both in mind and practice.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:11 PM
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