The Becoming God

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Help in the Hardest Art of Neville Goddard's Technique

I think the hardest part of causation by imagination is taking control of the imagination and making it imagine what you want "without effort." Another difficulty for many in bad circumstances is imagining the alternative they desire: A) you have a rotten life; and B) you cannot imagine a happy life. This is especially apparent when you are dealing with a rotten son-of-a-*****, or just a flat-out negative person, whom you cannot for the life of you think of as being positive.

How do you think of a complete cretin, an insulting, negative naysayer and a contrarian, as being pleasant, a friend, an asset, and an ally?

I think you might try thinking of someone positive and encouraging, and putting your problem person(s) into that positive person's role. After I discovered the appearance and character of Emile Coué (he looked like this:, and his method was like this: (you have to scroll down), I found it easy to imagine him enthusiastically encouraging people.

I find it much easier to think of Coué with his bright, bubbly, enthusiastic personality encouraging myself and others, and then imagine that demeanor in my friend who has been anything but that with me. Now I have a saint who was an ass (I remember when) uplifting and boosting me. "You can! You have! Isn't this wonderful?!" he/she positively, encouragingly exudes. Look at us dancing around for joy. Whee!


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