Anonymous Testifies
Writes Anonymous:
So then... the well meaning "prayers" of the uber religious who view me as "not having" or as "struggling" or as "needs help" are indeed hurting me. Yes? Correct? What do I do about that?
Let me tell you something. I have been in the pit of despair since I was a very young child. I won't bore you with the details because you're not a therapist, though rest assured "therapists" are a useless lot, because one can't lead where one hasn't been.
I took a huge risk in a last ditch effort to save myself. I quit the job that was sucking the life out of me. I knew that if I wanted to really devote time and energy to shifting consciousness, I would need time and energy, and that job took it all. So I quit. I've been living off a small settlement, not much.
I spent the entire summer, the last three months, doing whatever I could to FEEL as good as I could. Every day going out into the sunshine, walking, mustering all the good feelings I could. Imagining daily. Hiking while repeating affirmations. Everything I could. And it was a battle some days. But I kept at it. I have persisted to the best of my ability. I even asked God to give me more faith. I know, I know, asking for faith is acknowledging you don't have it. Well what else is one supposed to do? I gave it my all.
You know what came of that? Absolutely nothing. I'm out of money and out of time. And the sun is leaving and soon enough it's going to be a mountain of snow and bitter cold. I still have no love, no friends, no financial freedom, no happiness, no love no love no love, and now no job to boot.
When a person is in a pit so deep and they make their most valiant effort to reach up toward happiness, God ought to at least extend his hand, but he doesn't! And time is eup. I have to go get another slave gig asap so I can go on living for no particular reason.
You know what we are? We're living, breathing, FEELING, physical manifestations of programs. That's what we are. Expressions of our programming. And when you're trapped in an endless loop of sh*t programming, it sucks.
Please, whether you publish or censor this, please do not tell me to go get medication. There is absolutely no pill on Earth that is going to fill the huge void in my life. And even if there were... I don't have insurance. I did however have the great privilege of paying a huge penalty I couldn't afford, all for the luxury of not being able to afford insurance and being just a little too "rich" for medicaid. I have tried the "natural" route... vitamins and so forth. But the thing is, it's not chemical and it's not hormonal. It's what my LIFE EXPERIENCES have done to me.
We may very well "create our reality" by our thoughts, feelings and subconscious beliefs... but there is NO WAY we are in control of those things. It doesn't work. And there is NO ONE in my life who is "imagining lovingly" for me. No one who is lifting me up in imagination. And I don't have the money to pay someone to help me out.
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for writing. I cannot explain everything at once, writing being linear, and you've got a lot here. Excuse me while I scroll up and down.
No, God is not ignorant or blind. Well-meaning people who pray for you do not confuse him. He knows his objective and how to get to it. I cannot pray for a roof over your head, though I acknowledge you do not have one, without imagining you with a roof over your head. But the religious may not being as helpful as they might. In any case, you yourself are sovereign God of your natural self, so no one can hex you, as it were.
Yes, I am not a therapist, so I can only throw out some educated guesses as to what might help you and give some well-meant human-to-human advice. Besides wishing you could have found another line of work that wouldn't have sucked the life out of you, I wish you could feel happy and well in spite of negative, contrary circumstances. That, I acknowledged a few posts ago, may be the hardest thing for some of us to do.
I am honestly impressed with the effort you put forth to change your mind. It isn't that nothing came of it. I hope you will perceive what did come of it. That would be worth the price of the lesson.
You remind me of a number of people I have known (a subset of the mass of humanity) who have something which has perplexed evangelists throughout the ages. I am not sure how to describe it. 'Perspective' is probably the closest word I'll find. There is something in their perspective for which they don't "get it." I don't meant that judgmentally; it's just an observation (we will all eventually get it).
Premier among them was Raphael, my friend who took me to Grace Bible Church in Honolulu, where I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. He was the one who asked for the gift of tongues. I waited a long time in the vestibule while the ministers worked on him. One came out and invited me to receive the gift also. Finding myself utterly rejected by God, I cast myself upon him, and he caught me (God, not the minister). Emptied of my self-lordship and self-control, and most importantly accepted by him, in my release I was filled with the Holy Spirit and overwhelmed with gratitude and love which literally spilled out of my mouth in tongues.
But Raphael, well, he just never got it. He kept looking for an input, much to many ministers' frustration, and I had found the output. Same with my mother, God bless her. And DeBorah. Tony, no, Tony visited Melodyland Christian Center with my mom, and he went down and got filled with the Holy Spirit. I watched a video of T. L. Osborn about to speak at a missions school which I believe had been his property, a warehouse for his books or something. Before teaching, he had prayed for the students, and one young woman hadn't had the breakthrough. T. L. recited the pertinent scriptures, carefully framing them to make their point clear. Might as well have been talking to the cement wall. She kept waiting for something to happen. She believed the scriptures, I am sure, except to the point of output of herself and acceptance of Jesus.
The name Jesus is symbolically spelled. There is a shin, a tooth for consumption, for the destruction of what is, so that something else may take its place. That is how salvation works: it is literally (in the spirit) out with the bad and in with the good. No out, no in; but how to get what's in out blows every evangelist's mind. (I liked what this site said about the letter shin: -- that the "tooth" is constructed of three branches of flame, the three pillars of the tree of life -- its short explanation says a mouthful.)
Mickie Silberling told me in Kaohsiung that I was taking everything too seriously. He told me to lighten up. Some of the best advice I ever received. Two typhoons hit the island, and I wound up taking the train from Taipei to Taichung to meet my father's merchant ship. I spent the last five dollars I had to get to the SS Roosevelt, which, bless God, was there. Four of us caught a taxi to town, and one ex-Navy sailor kept bemoaning the whole way (and it was a long way) how the Navy had ruined him, had made him an alcoholic. I finally looked back at him and told him, "Dude, there isn't any Navy here. You've been out of the Navy for years. You are free." Dad and I had a good time in Taichung, anyway. And I left with a pocket full of cash.
Are you getting any association with other people? Church, synagogue, meditation group? Just like walking around affirming without doing anything about it, you cannot build loving relationships without other people. I know how hard that can be in a crowded city: loneliest places on the earth. Try to not think of a job as a slave gig. In your little bit you are making a contribution, and you get paid.
I recommended Maxwell Maltz's Psycho-cybernetics and Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, especially for the positive mental attitude. Lately, I personally have been getting a lot out of Richard W. Wetherill's books on humanetics. They sound like a description of my family. He puts forth in Tower of Babel that we all think that we are right because our logic has been distorted by excuses and twisted logic we have installed in ourselves through our experiences and our rationalizations for them. We are always "right" no matter how wrong we are. I have only been reading the preview at, but I realize how perceptive Wetherill was to realize that this was -- is -- the tower of Babel. Be ready for some work if you read them.
I just recently recommended Gregg Braden's videos, as well. His native American friend found the output. Feeling DRY land might have stopped the rain. You said above, "there is NO ONE in my life who is 'imagining lovingly' for me. No one who is lifting me up in imagination." Maybe some of the people who read this blog would be willing to prove you wrong by feeling lovingly for you. This would be a worthwhile experiment, because only God, the common factor in all of us, knows who you are. My blog gets about a hundred pageviews a day, whatever that means. If the several readers who read this page would kindly think of a woman who would sign her name as "Anonymous" as having love and joy and peace, serenity, security -- everything she wants and in need of nothing -- a good job and better, and endless hope being rewarded, I am sure she would appreciate it. I am pretty sure she will let us know if her life turns around from constant sorrow to peace and joy. Thank You!
Yes, been there with the reformat and done that. We are a bit more organic than our computers, though. And the organism includes the Almighty. Some fellows were upset with Jesus because he equated himself with God. He pointed out that NOT equating oneself with God was the one "sin" (variance) that could not be forgiven, because THAT is the objective. I really do not think the subconscious is in-house. I see it being run in the mainframe, the Original Mind. Do you remember the story of Neville meeting with William Blake and falling backwards through space? From a distance he saw Jesus Christ, but up close Jesus was peoples and nations. As Gregg Braden explains it, it is a field of electromagnetic forces, a principle of the universe that is intelligence and life. Information that is in the mainframe. Organic and real. The thing to notice in Neville's story is that THE FIELD TAKES FORM. Jesus Christ is he closest thing to the field that we can relate to, so it speaks and acts to us as Jesus Christ. He is the manifestation of God's love for us, the interface of that organic mass with our local program. It wants nothing more that to be recognized as us in the constance of our run. That takes a big reset between the local program and the mainframe, but THE FIX HAS TO COME FROM HIM. We cannot do it ourselves. It isn't that he isn't extending his hand, we have to accept his programming his way -- his conditions, his terms. Accept is just a click away.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:49 PM
There was no Adam. Adam is an everyman. We are all Adam and Eve, which was Moses' point. We come into this world in ignorance, which makes us different from God IN CONSCIOUSNESS. Otherwise we are the same. Religion isn't the answer. The Antediluvian Patriarchs unto the consciousness of Noah is.
Your virus may be the screen hijacker that keeps telling you that you even can be rejected of God. Its the guys who raped you (and whatever else has happened) exercising control over you because you won't let go. Stop dragging that pit around with you. You do need healing of the mind, and I hope you will allow God to do it.
I know I'm going to get slammed for being insensitive, but what happened to you as a child is over. That Christ died for us is not an error of the New Testament. It was we who died to become us. You have to get that part of Galatians 2:20 -- we died. And count ourselves as dead. Faith is his living.
Inasmuch as you hold onto monickers like No Hope, you cultivate that hurt and negativity as your identity. We are changing your name to Love. That's what you want, be it. Okay, Love, part of conscious creation is becoming the unconditioned awarness of being in sleepiness (through the Antediluvian Patriarchs) and trusting God to bring about what you desire IN HIS TIME. Can't put him in a box and have him work at our direction IF OUR DIRECTION ISN'T HIS. I think that is the trick, to desire and to give it up to his direction. It is all part of being one who was apart in consciousness becoming one in consciousness. We are not supposed to have control of his part; it isn't magic, it's faith. Don't blame me for it being confusing.
Peace, Love.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 6:18 PM
I'll gladly take that name, thank you. It's nice just to even "hear" someone call me that, so thank you for that.
It's not that I cling to any events. In fact, I have a whole slew of exhausting mental gymnastics I do all the time to push events away, to avoid triggers. You're right, I do need a mental healing, and an emotional and spiritual one.
LOVE, at 8:16 PM
I think the key to your troubles "Love" is in what you stated...your "whole slew of exhausting mental gymnastics" that you "do ALL the time! To PUSH events away, to AVOID your (self-created) triggers". Reading through your own words might be what gives you that "light bulb" moment we all run around in circles looking for. I think people generally get confused with the think positively baloney. I call it that because, forced positive thinking, is just unresolved negativity sprinkled with pretend glitter of faked happiness that a person doesn't actually feel. Fake it til you make it works weakly at times, but your "intelligence" pushes against it and that's why it's such an effort.
Advice from a stranger-- include your bad feelings! FEEL them! Scream, laugh, cry...make it as UGLY as it needs to be. Be mad at yourself! Be mad at God! Be whatever you have denied yourself to be, because of fear. Only then will you be able to RELEASE them to God, who is within. You're fighting yourself extermly hard.
When I first found Neville his words echoed what I had always felt but didn't know how to put it into words. Everything made sense... But that's also when everything got messed up. I had discovered the secret to God, and to life, and that's when my fight really began! (Read Neville's lectures on Job and Jacob - the one who struggles with the angle. You'll find that discovering creative, imaginative, causation is more of a battle of self then the miraculous solution to all of your troubles.) However, and I feel this is a big thing to consider, once you're done struggling with "your angle" that's when it all makes sense. And giving your life to God isn't scary, nor is it understood in the traditional sense that you're currently understanding it.
Last thoughts-- include your bad feelings and thoughts, don't be afraid that they'll undo all of your "progress"... You haven't made any! That's not a slam, if you had, your life would be different. The fact that it's not, is your clue that you haven't shifted states. Your "bad" thoughts and feelings are only expressions of your current state, nothing more. All things are neutral untill you assign meaning to them. We think that to let a thing "die" as Neville states is to force those things away by doing "exhausting mental gymnastics" you mentioned. But, it's simpily letting them be and not giving them meaning. The less meaning you give a thing you don't like the quicker you'll be freed from it. Only you can give yourself the love, joy and happiness you seek. No one else can. It might sound lonely, but it's not, it's freedom to it's fullest. You will never know God, or causative creation, until you first know yourself. And not in the way you now think you know yourself, but in the true sense. Sit somewhere comfortable and just let your mind run free and's harder than it sounds. You'll discover the false story you're telling yourself. Allow it to be there and see what it tells you. I find that people, myself included, don't actually do what Neville suggests. They jump to the technique w/o doing ANY of the self work that they need to do. He spent his entire life devoted to God. He lived and breathed imagination, which is God. The normal person skips directly to trying to force their imagination to give them things and get mad when it doesn't. Soul searching is a thing for a reason. I too fell quickly for the easy fix and have been mad and tried to stuff things away and force my way into new states...that didn't work. I feel freer every day by cultivating my relationship with God, which is within, thus I'm working on my relationship with my self...try it, it feels amazing!
Love yourself and the rest will follow.
Anonymous, at 10:32 AM
I really tried to edit the typos in Anonymous 10:32's comments. Can't find a way to do that. They echo much of my own thoughts on the subject, so I published them anyway. I think "with the" s/b "when they think positive baloney." Work through it. See, Love, people do care. I have some other things to say later too, Love, maybe in a new post.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:37 PM
Anonymous, at 7:18 PM
My bad. I misread "with the think positively baloney." Good writing; bad reading. Thanks.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:57 PM
I really need to say this in reply to Anonymous 10:32's commentary. To say "you've made no progress" really cut very deeply, and I'm going to do my best to revise that right now. You don't know me, where I've been, or how far (if at all) I have come. The fact that I'm still alive is a testament to having shifted to AT LEAST a somewhat better state.
You probably don't know what is meant by "trigger" either. If you presume that I haven't FELT the full gamut of emotions, including anger at God screamed at the top of my lungs, you presume incorrectly. And I do not appreciate you putting "Love" in quotes. It's as if you are stripping me of that gift which Dan has given. (Really Dan, you don't know what it means to me when offered me that name).
That said, I do thank you for your sincerity and intention to help me, and for the things you wrote which did resonate with me. I know I need to learn to love myself.
Anonymous, at 8:32 AM
Dear Love,
Anonymous 10:32 here. I only used quotation marks because I don't know your name, not because I meant to belittle you in any way, or take away the gift Dan gave you. Conveying the proper tone online is as difficult as avoiding the typos....typing on a phone makes it even less ideal. :(
I wanted to clarify a few things because I only meant to help and not to "cut" you in any way. Your troubles sparked in me a great desire to comment. My comment was meant to be direct, but not harsh. So let me explain, and hopefully this time my comment is more soothing than cutting.
It is true that I don't know your story and how far you've come. My comment on progress was referring to "creative causation" not "reflective causation"...Neville says in one of his lectures that imagination is both "transformative" and "conservative". As in, it either reflects back all that you've experienced, or can actually create new things, but you're the operant power which gives that faculty life. It's tricky because even when we think we're being creative, we're actually just being "conservative", reflecting all that's in our memory, rather than focuing on solutions and what we want. So, if we notice our "bad" thoughts or "triggers" we spring into all out war with them and try to force positive thoughts, feelings, actions and so on. So, without realizing it, your focus is actually on all of the negative in your life instead of the's an exhausting "hampster wheel" that will drain the life out of you. So, if you notice that you're still desiring the same things, than no progress has been made, as far as your desires are concerned, not wether or not you've survived another day...which is "reflective causation, or conservative use of imagination". So, that's what I meant by -no progress has been made.
When I brought up FEELING things, I meant not to go to war with the thoughts floating around in your head. (it's easier to let them all go by first feeling them so they don't continue to control you) They just represent where you're currently at, nothing more. However, when we notice them and "fight" them they grow and thus create more struggle and stuff. Let them be, they're not adding to anything. For most of us, if we haven't realized our desires we're still living the life we don't want, so those feeling can't "undo" our "progress" because simply put - no desire, no progress.
Loving yourself as you are is the best gift you can give yourself! We seem to put tons of stipulations on love, but love is blind for a doesn't need coditions. It just is! God is love! The more you love yourself the more you'll feel the presence of God.
I hope this cleared some things up.
I also wanted to mention that my thoughts are a reflection of bible teachings and Neville's insightful interpretations, and NOT some new age bull. My ideas on not attaching meaning to things come from the passage that talks about - things only being unclean to those to whom they are unclean.
The bible holds the key to our salvation and although it can be a difficult read, people such as Dan and Neville are very helpful in understanding it.
Peace and love to you, Love. :)
Anonymous, at 8:17 AM
Another quick thought-- Neville called this "the school of educated darkness". We are here to learn to create. To appease our hunger (desire). And God has given us the "Law of assumption" to help us with the "inevitable blows of life". And one day we will fulfill God's promise. We are called to work on the law to grow our faith. The promise will happen in its own time, regardless, but why continue to suffer when God has given us the gift of imagination, which is Him. With that gift we are free to choose WHATEVER we want, the good, the bad and the indifferent. With this freedom of choice comes the many "blows" because we aren't alway aware of our choices and many of them feel like punishments, when in reality they are just the gift of total freedom of choice...creation is finished and we can, knowingly or unknowingly choose ANYTHING. (Neville mentions that the bible does pretty openly talk about every possible human affliction. And the bible is our blue print to salvation).
My understanding of these things is- while in the grips of trying to learn how to use our innate talent to create, we will create things we don't like, which will present themselves as struggles and "blows", but God left us with the "Law" to remember when that happens. We're not born remembering that we create everything, but if and when we discover this truth, it's both exciting and overwhelming. On one hand we found the solution to everything AND we start to fight...because WHY in the world would we do these things to ourselves when we wouldn't do them to our worst enemy???? That's when we must turn fully to the law and remember God's promise.
I'd be lying if I said I had full control of my imagination and life, but anytime I "fall", which is a lot, I keep coming back to God's law and his promise. =)
Anonymous, at 9:58 AM
Thank you, 10:32. You obviously have a pretty good feel for the big picture of what is going on, an imagic worldview. Love is making really good progress. It is important that we uplift her with loving thoughts and, as you have contributed, insights to understanding this language. I am learning constantly myself. I agree we are here to learn to create to appease hunger, but I think it is also to realize that it isn't our hunger. Not ours as individuals, but that our individual hunger is God's, and that we are all one regardless of where we are in development. We want such-and-such experience, and then turn it over to him to have that experience through us. As you point out, it isn't good for us to controlleth too much. The Law is the very nature of God, the unincarnate himself. Through it we learn him who is Love, Love.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:28 PM
I agree with you fully, Dan. I believe the more we learn, the more we realize its ALL God, and the more we give our lives over to Him (seems scary at first) the better things get, and in turn our desires change...I think that's why most people tend to give up their "hunger" for "earthly" things. Sure, we must still pay rent and such, it just ceases to be the "driving" force in our lives.
Anonymous, at 3:31 PM
On another note--
I have recently realized how difficult it is to give up man-made religious traditions, especially the "facts" I've been taught about God, and his "vengeful temperament". It never made sense to me. How could he be LOVE, but that love be conditioned so much, and so dependent on my so-called holy and good say this created a never-ending self-loathing is an understatement! I had always FELT God was love, and NOT the petty creature I was forced to believe he was by those closest to me, but that inturn created a cycle of trying to figure out how a loving God could punish people so much when all they wanted to do was please him. My search led me to Neville and that's when things finally made sense. I saw how I, in my desperation to please God, created all of my turmoil. It was AMAZING! However, as much as I can understand and accept that I cause everything because God and I are one, and it's His gift to us, I find it difficult to claim to be Him. My old beliefs haunt me, and my new ones scream at me to KNOW the ONE true God! I keep wondering if I'm going to pay for my "arrogance"! I try to remind myself of Neville's words, that God can't even be nearer than near, but I still struggle with this last bit. I have never known a life without God, so the scriptures are very engrained in my soul, but that makes things both easier to understand and harder to change. Neville EXPERIENCED the promise, so to claim that he was God was natural. I can't say I have had that experience, so it'd feel wrong to claim such a thing. But, I can fully accept and believe that we are ONE, for there is nothing but God, and some day experience will bring me that undeniable KNOWING.
Sorry for the rant! I found your blog by accident a week ago and have found it to be insightful. Love's trouble made me want to comment because I felt that maybe I could help. We all have a path, but I strongly feel that in the end it leads to the same place. So, we should help each other where we can. Our struggles may be self-created, but it's important to lift each other when we can and to remid one another of the law.
10:32 ;)
Anonymous, at 3:40 PM
I hope you have found Neville Goddard's audio, "Unless I Go Away." One of his very best theological illustrations. In a very real vision, he saw an enormous field of sunflowers. They all followed the will of God, expressing that will, in unison. Then he saw a dump, where they throw all the rubbish of the world. And in the dump, rats. He caught a rat, and put it in a cage. It doesn't take genius to see that it is all us. We are the sunflowers following God, but without freedom. And we are the rats in the dump learning that freedom and the nature, character of God. God has an agenda, an objective. This is a project. In the sunflowers and rats there is an ignorance. THAT is the enemy of God. We sunflowers are born here in isolated ignorance, "death," and in the "nothing is too hard for God" mode, God is defeating, destroying the ignorance that robbed us of the freedom that comes from knowing what God is like, having his nature and character living in and through us. We are here having that character generated in us. At least, that is how I see it. What do you think the cage is?
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:33 PM
I think the cage is- the man-made, and self-reinforced seperation from God. It is much easier to accept that we are being "punished" by another (seperation) than by own ourself-inflicted ignorance. The cage at first glance is safer, and more merciful (by protecting the poor creature from the filth and chaos), but in fact it's another type of prison, in which man and God are separated by the "bars" of man's ingorance of non-duality. We misinterpret the bible, and worship those man-made idols over the true God, who is within. He is in us, as "us" and we will not find the "true" peace that we're all seeking until He is self-realized. That's my take. Wrong or right, that's what I understood from Neville's lecture.
I love Neville's lectures on faith the most. I've found profound freedom in them, yet it's easier to talk about, than to fully live by these principles. The tiny voice of "ignorance" whispers- what if you're wrong, and he was wrong, and now you've angered God...are you willing to pay the price??...A work in progress.
I await the promise and try my best to live by the law. Trying to allow God to do His work in me as He must. Life (my own doing) has made me a control freak...makes it challenging to give up total control.
Anonymous, at 10:21 AM
Very interesting. I think we are on the same track. I envision the cage as the Torah Manifest, the Law as it causes the projection of our being; if you would, the seven Essene mirrors of our soul. Try to escape THAT! Yet by this prison we are saved, not to be in it, but to press ourselves out.
Thank you for your comments.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 3:39 PM
Dear 10:32,I truly appreciate your sincerity and attempt at clarifying. <3 We are still speaking separate languages. I don't "notice triggers." They attack me full force almost 24/7. It's called post traumatic stress disorder. I am not a Solipsist. I do not subscribe to the notion that we "create our reality" in individual vacuums. I did not "create" my circumstance, though my inability to quell the constant parade of thoughts, images and feelings surely sustains it, in the form of a perpetual feedback loop I cannot escape. As for quitting my job so that I could devote 100% of myself to doing everything that I could to make myself feel better, this was by no means me throwing glitter in the air… I'm incapable of mustering phony "fake it till you make it" feel good fuzzes. It was a real effort. A last ditch effort. Let me clear. I'm not really that interested right now in a "relationship with God." That is an abstract and intangible idea to me. You, Dan, all sorts of spiritual people talk about this "relationship," but the fact is, you have FAMILIES. You're not monks living in a cave somewhere, meditating all day. I mean, maybe that's not true of you, but I know Dan has a spouse and children, food in his refrigerator, and probably owns a home where he lives there in the perpetual summer of sunny SoCal. None of which I have. I will cry myself to sleep yet again tonight, knowing full well that these feelings I CANNOT SUPPRESS are just going to jump forward to confront me in the future in the form of more sorrow slapped in my face. I wish I could afford to pay someone to "imagine lovingly" for me.... as if that would do any good.Let's call me by my real name,Despair. Posted by Anonymous
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 7:43 PM
I am sorry about the disappearing, reappearing comments. I am traveling with a smart phone I am not very smart about.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 7:48 PM
May I say to Love (Anonymous) that if proof is in the pudding, your life is pudding. I think a lot of us want desperately to help you. If we could just get you to accept and practice what you insist on rejecting, we are sure you would find the inner healing you say you so greatly desire. But it is by practice of imagination that it becomes into manifest reality. I am working on a translation of comments from Joseph Murphy's The Power of Your Subconscious Mind I think may help you. I can't publish it until I get back to my computer (I'm doing the old-school pen-and-paper thing here in Taipei). Murphy obfuscated his message with preaching verbiage. I am trying to unobfuscate it to help set you free. There is reasonable, practical method in "Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, 'Rejoice!'" This is the weak saying, "I am strong!" despite the apparent weakness. The attitude is creative force. Frequent, believing repetition is his prescription.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 8:20 PM
"If you will accept this as your philosophy of life, and not turn to the left or the right, but claim you are solely responsible for the phenomena of your life, you will find it much easier to live.”
“But if, at times, life seems too hard to bear, and you find a secondary cause, you have created a devil. Devils and satans are formed from man’s unwillingness to assume the responsibility of his life.” – Neville Goddard
Also, the free neville site has TONS of free info/help for people living with PTSD...the person running the site also had it and cured himself by applying Neville's insightful ideas. He has a book and a course for $ includes audios and email support. His story might be of interest to you Love.
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
Dear Anonymous at 2:53,
Love is very aware of Free Neville for Seven Dollars. It isn't like he/she/we aren't trying to get Love to recognize that Consciousness is the only reality as noted in your second paragraph. Seeing it, believing it, and doing it are all different things; and we all perceive the wheel differently. Thanks for your comment.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 6:06 AM
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