The Becoming God

Monday, May 29, 2017


With manifesting, people want practical. Pragmatic. A cookie-cutter recipe: "Just follow these steps, and it will turn out right every time." We find something doable and it's like, "Oh, wow, here's the key to the magic power. With this I can cause the things I want." But Abdullah was talking the Law and Neville the Promise. These are elements of God. Theology. Philosophy. These are much less easy to peg down than "sit crossed-legged with your back straight, breath through this nostril, then that nostril, and say 'OM.'"

Pursuing causation is like baking a cake, but it is the theology that is the technique. It is philosophy based; what you know about God and how you apply it in your life. I recently had a labored exchange with an anonymous commenter who simply wanted to get what she wanted by imagining (just like anybody else). Her problem was that she could not imagine like Neville said to: "What I was hoping for (from The Becoming God blog) was to find the key to removing the block that prevents me from selective causative imagining."

She might have been in the right place, but she left in a huff when I said something John Calvinish. I wanted to tell her that the answer to her problem was, in a way, right in her letter. She had said, "I don't care about helping the Ineffable manifest itself. I don't care about intangible concepts. I'm not trying to be 'like him.' I just want to feel better. I did not choose to be alive. In fact, I'd rather not be if I had that choice. But here I am. And so, if I have to be here, I'd like to feel better. To feel happy. To experience what everyone else gets to. If that makes me petty, fine. If it makes me someone looking for a magic wand, I don't care . . . I'm not interested in becoming God or saving the world."

Not interested in God. Not interested in his interests. Do these present obstacles to prayer? I think they do. And I think they affect a great many who pursue Neville's causative imagining mechanistically, as a set technique. Causative imagining is attitudinal; it is of our inner nature--God in us. Ever hear of Jacob? It is the inner feeling that is the secret. The fuel for God's machine is mind-set, our love of God, and if we haven't that either intentionally or incidentally, the mechanism is not likely to run. All good gifts come from the Father of Lights, our Father in Heaven--the mind. (By the way, we do not become God; the point of the Bible, Moses' Success Manual, is that we ARE God: ignoranced bits of His consciousness, his organism . . . without division from him. When you are God, this is what you do.)

Neville studied the Bible seven days a week not to refine his technique of imagining, but to refine his knowledge of God.

God's good gifts are "Jethro." They were Moses' "father-in-law." God's jutting-over-the-brim super-abundance of blessings, the good stuff in life, are what evidences that God is our own, wonderful, human imagination ("When it works, you have found him"). Moses wondered what we wonder, "How do I get a good life, a successful, blessed life?" God answered him in Exodus 3:14, "My nature is Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh," (my take on Alexander). If I may paraphrase: "It is my nature to become from imagining" (that's a lot closer to the literal meaning than "I SIMPLY AM THAT I AM"). God becomes what we want by our imagining (which is also his) when we want Him, which is what he wants. He wants himself in form, the Ineffable Manifest. He is the source AND the fulfillment. This is important, and it is why we have to follow the Golden Rule.

While we want simple, straightforward, and practical instructions, God's nature and value system is intrinsically involved in any "technique." We implement the Law which IS his nature. We do the doing as the operant power, but he is Power itself. So if the Bible can be likened to a Success Manual, the key to success is good theology, the accurate knowledge of God, IMPLEMENTED. By "accurate" I do not mean defined doctrine, I mean the application of that knowledge which is the love of God. Our love for him. Our appreciation, gratitude, adoration, praise, and thanksgiving himward. Even if we realize that there is no God outside ourselves, we must be head-over-heels in love with and appreciating him who is imagining us: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and all your strength." And have no other gods before him. Do not say anything bad about him. Honor him as your Father, your Lord. Because all we have, all we are, is him.

The main technique, the secret of imagining, is genuine love of God in our hearts. In our whole beings. For him, right here, as our imagination. He says, "Come unto Me. I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Learn of me" (Matthew 11:28). That's the Big Guy, the Father as Jesus, who is the Holy Spirit within us. There is no distinction between the Ineffable Source, Its intelligence, Its wisdom, Its imagination, the Sender and the Sent, the Creator, Creation, and Manifestation. We all are one (and really, really big, though no-thing). There is so much to appreciate here! We HAVE everything! We ARE everything! We just don't know it. But we will. THAT is the fulfillment of the Scriptures we are destined to.

HE gives us rest. Rest is creation. Neville talked about the necessity of entering a sleepy, drowsy state bordering on sleep (but still in complete control of the thought faculties) for revising the day. As we fall asleep we break free from the facts of this world and are lifted above them by the flood of approaching sleep. We "float" above the illusion of facts, and they die to us as though we were on the ark of Noah. Floated above our conditioned states, we are free to mentally create new and different worlds, worlds we desire.

To get to the rest that is Noah, we need to go through the ANTEDILUVIAN PATRIARCHS ( There is no such rest as Noah until the PROCESS of the Antediluvian Patriarchs has been gone through. We are Adam, the individualized consciousness of God, dumbed-down by the ignorance of amnesia. We are sleeping, and we have a flesh side which has been corrupted in dream and a spiritual side which has been forgotten. The Antediluvian Patriarchs are a COURSE OF ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTIONS which leads from the weakness of sustitutionary religion (Enosh in the Bible) to a powerful, creative rest (Noah). This course is not secret; it has been in every Book of Genesis ever printed! But we have been too ignorant to translate their "names" as our natures and have robbed ourselves of the Bible's wisdom. The natures that are the patriarchs have to do with the recognition of God, humility, repentance, wildly praising him, submission, initiation, selflessness, and surrender/abdication. These sound a lot like Christian conversion, don't they? It is through this course of attitudes and perspectives that the creative rest is achieved in the inner man and the ride to the new, desired world is taken.

I hope you will read the Bible, read it mystically using discernment, hold onto the good, and follow the Golden Rule with patience and forbearance.

Some other notes:

We are initially ignorant of the infinite power we inherently have, and even when we are aware of it, most of its exercise is beyond our senses.

God gives us desires which accord with his nature. These desires are his EXPANSION.

The ignorance that becomes ours with our being born into and living in this world is the Adversary.

What we NEED to do is to love God.

"First if all, you must know what you want." What good desire has God given you?

God judges us in that we, who are God, judge ourselves. Judge wisely.

Consciousness is the only reality. Consciousness is imagination. Belief is imagination. What is believed becomes manifest.

What we believe we are becomes manifest as our world.

We choose what we believe.


Imagine and believe what you do want.

In revising, forgive EVERYTHING of the day. Let it die. Consider it ELIMINATED--dead--consumed.

Believe that you are in the state of having what you wanted.

Imagine what will happen or how it will be after you have received what you want. Choose some small action consequential to the state of its HAVING BEEN RECEIVED earlier; something you might remember fondly and replay in your thoughts as you go to sleep tonight.

What would you remember fondly and relive in your mind as you fall asleep?

For example: If you now HAVE the job you desired because you RECEIVED a promotion to that job, you might fall asleep recounting fondly and with proud satisfaction the congratulations your friends and family gave you, how they shook your hand and hugged you and expressed joy and pride with you. Go to sleep fondly replaying that SUBSEQUENT scene in your mind as though it were your present and existing reality. That is, imagine it all happening over and over again until it takes on all the tones of reality and FEELS REAL.

"But it hasn't happened yet!" you protest. Yes it has. You are there. If God has given you the desire in your heart, he has imagined it, and now you have imagined it, and you are real. If you experience it in your inner person, where your inner person has gone, the outer person will certainly go. If you can revise the day you had into the day you wanted and fall asleep in it, you will have it.


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