The Becoming God

Sunday, May 21, 2017

God's Building of an Imagic Structure

Having an imagic worldview does not mean I have a lot of answers, just a lot of questions with some place to go. I spend a lot of time in ponderment. Things need to fit properly together, and while I might not not know the categories, but I do know they are images of Him. So I am thinking, if Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was the spiritually anointed PEOPLE at the end of the Season of Grace, the seventy weeks of years between the commandment to rebuild the city and the Temple and its "moat" and the destruction of the second Temple, what is this large, historical epoch imagically?

I find two edifices or structures at the end of the Season: the Messiah who has been formed from the instruction of the teachers of right in anticipation of the coming Messiah; and the priests, scribes, Pharisees and political jerks who caused the Temple's destruction. Well, that is not all I find: I have the "unanswerable" rise of the Pagan, Babylonian king Nebuchadnasser by God Himself. Seriously, why would God promote this murderous egomaniac to be the head of gold and give him the whole world? I also have the birth of Gautama and the rise of Buddhism at the beginning of the Season of Grace; the missionary enterprise of Emperor Ashoka and the Thera putta throughout the Season; the Therapeutae of Egypt at the end, and the translation of the Buddhist Gospel by Mark.

Now, why would God give the whole world to Nebuchadnasser and require all nations to go along with him? His armies marched straight forward and destroyed everything in their path. Oh, gee, that is a lot like a prayer imagined in faith, isn't it? Maybe it starts with OUR egomaniacal desires, but God makes Himself known and receives honor. Jeremiah warned the Jews the way to success and life was to go along with the imagining of Nebuchadnasser that God brings to manifestation. This is causative imagining on a global scale.  The anointed Cyrus saw the writing on the wall, so to speak, and sent the Jews back to Jerusalem and the Temple to rebuild them, to manifest the Messiah.

Well, the Jews would need some help, because they so misunderstood their scriptures they would not be able to achieve the spirituality of Messiah. Enter Gautama and the Thera putta, the Sons of the Elder (Monk). These Buddhist missionaries brought spiritual understanding and healing ministries throughout the fertile crescent. Before the end of the Season of Grace, they met up with the Jewish (and Greek, Egyptian?) Therapeutae in Alexandria, Egypt, and learned from them the Gospel of Moses the way MOSES meant it. "Oh! Jesus, your Jewish guys don't even understand their own scriptures! There isn't a dualistic, separate-from-us God out there somewhere. He has become us, Man."

So in the milieu of Jewish culture at the end of 490 years getting the Temple--man--ready for Messiah, Mark wrote his Gospel about the Messiah the people WERE. He translated almost verbatim his BUDDHIST texts into Greek (see CLT), along with pertinent Old Testament passages he had learned: "The Beginning reveals the Life-giving, Living Branch, Son of Godhood" (my take on Vic Alexander's Mark 1 notes, which harken back to Genesis 1:1). Just as in Genesis 1, that Life-giving, Living Branch is God, the Son of God--US!! Imagining.

In Nebuchadnasser's golden head--imagination--God made a global application of his biblical, spiritual truth, a global structure of his imagic revelation. Imagination takes over and changes things. Go with the flow. And in it's fulfillment His manifestation, the anointing, is spread. Yet this revelation is missed by many and is misunderstood, leading to destruction AGAIN.

The imagined becomes manifest, and then in our ignorance it disappears. Learn from Mark and Gautama the four noble truths and the eight BASIC FACTS ABOUT IMAGINING, the keys to success.


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