The Becoming God

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Second Private Offline To Anonymous

At least part of your problem, Anonymous, is that you are not reading. Not really. I know you can read the words all right, but you are not getting their intended meaning--how the author intends the words to be understood. Yes, you read what we say, but you are not listening. Maybe this is an artifact of having been alone so much and not getting the requisite social interaction to develop the sense of meanings behind words.

You seem to think I am speaking to you personally in my blog. I am addressing my whole audience, limited as it may be. 'You' is general you, the Philly "yous guys." I referred to you specifically only as an example of the kind of problem I get all the time in comments and e-mails. How could I call you out publicly when you are entirely anonymous? I did not say YOUR character stinks, I said OUR character generally stinks when compared to God's. Read what is actually said. The character of the person(s) who traumatized you certainly stank.

I have been blessed with a career and environment which allowed me to read much and listen much. I did not ask for or imagine it to get it; I received it as a gift from God because of what He is doing, for believing what He says, for holding onto what He is doing. In all my reading I found the answer I believe you (all y'all) are looking for in Neville's writings and lectures, so I refer to him often in my blog ABOUT THE BECOMING GOD. Neville tells you, Anonymous, and I tell you, but you refuse to listen: We, all of us together, are of the one God who is becoming. Like it or not, none of us gets the magic without the Magician: "When it works, you have found Him." No Him, no works.

In His becoming, everything good and evil is Him, and the totality of everything is, all at once, him. For there to be change, THERE HAS TO BE DESTRUCTION OF THE PRESENT. This looks a lot like Time. The present, whatever it is--good or evil--has to END. THAT means forgiveness has to take place; real forgiveness, even for the most evil and cruel and heinous afflictions. We do not say the victims of crimes imagine them, but that the crimes were imagined. The victims' part is ignorance in imagining, in being inactive and unspecific, letting the oar sit idle in the water. If you are carrying sin around with you, even someone else's sin, you(s guys) are a slave to the sin. To imagine the future you desire as your actual present, you have to consume to utter annihilation the up-til-now-contrary present, which means forgiving to the utmost the past SO THAT IT DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE. This is the meaning of the name 'Jesus,' "God Saving (us by forgiving the impeding present)". You cannot be of a double mind and expect to get anywhere.

I do not know how else to say it: the key to your desires is forgiveness. Holding onto the past, however significant it WAS, does not do you any good NOW. Let it die and move on to what SHOULD BE. Pick up the oar and row.

God bless.


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