The Becoming God

Monday, May 15, 2017

A Pair of Shoes and a Broken Leg

Two anecdotes I heard long ago:

A father took his son to get new shoes. The father had been to a healing meeting, and people were being healed. On the way to the next meeting with his son, who had one leg shorter than the other, the father stopped to buy him shoes to wear home. And the boy wore them home.

At a church retreat, a child broke his leg in a baseball game. The counselor told the boy, "Son, we can call for an ambulance and get you patched up all right, or you can have your healing." The boy said, "I will have my healing."

They prayed for the boy and the counselor told him to get up, but when the boy put any pressure on the leg, it would not hold. They prayed repeatedly, and the boy got up on his good leg repeatedly, but the broken leg would not hold him. The counselor paused and listened to God for awhile. What are we doing wrong, he wondered. Oh. "When you start to get up next time, son, USE YOUR BAD LEG." He did, and it held.


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