The Becoming God

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

For Jeff: Two

" God did not speak to you audibly,"  This is the line that compelled me to respond to negatively to Jeff. What audacity, what chutzpah, to judge another person's most precious spiritual experiences! Dude, I was the one who was there, and God as Jesus Christ being crucified before my mind's eyes turned his face towards me, yes, in my imagination, and SAID, AUDIBLY, "Come unto Me." I know my mind's voices, and this was none of them. It was not in the imagination that I heard it; it was in the brain's nervous system, in the hearing lobe of the brain where electrical impulses from the ears transition into heard sounds. I HEARD it PHYSICALLY even though it had not come through either ear. This is the hallmark anchor to my faith: I KNOW -- ABSOLUTELY KNOW -- THAT THIS WAS REAL. And for you to tell me that it did not happen because it does not accord with your mixed up unbelieving understanding of the scriptures tells me that you are two points worse than an idiot and a fool. No offense.

"you mirrored your thoughts as you would look into a mirror. God does not speak to us as we understand or envision in our own imagination. Believe me in this, you would be able to distinguish between your own conscience thinking, memories, and his still silent voice."

WWWHHHAAATTT???? I mirrored my thoughts as I would look into a mirror? What does that even mean? I don't mean to be mean or cynical, but I am 67 years old, have been through the military, a thirty year aircraft inspection career, an AA, a BTh, two graduate programs, raised a family, been healed, am well read, etc., etc., and have never heard of what you made up. I understand what you probably mean because I can read, but I do not see how you can associate it with what I experienced. If you pick up any number of Christian Guideposts magazines you will find numerous references to people -- ordinary Joes and Jills like you and I -- who HEARD, AUDIBLY, God speak to them. No mirroring. What on earth makes you think that God cannot or will not speak to us? How do you learn if you are not listening to Him? Do you not know how God speaks with us? Yes, he has a still, quiet voice, but his sheep also HEAR HIS VOICE. Are you one of his sheep, Jeff? I think you want to be, but for the moment you are the one calling God a liar.

"There is no need for such interaction during this age. (Church Age) Paul stated, that all these things would come to and end and have, long ago."

For those who have not studied the Bible much, God has supposedly dealt with man in different ways during different times. For instance, before the fall of man in the Garden of Eden God dealt with man in a state of innocence differently than he dealt with man after the fall. Differently before the giving of the Law through Moses than afterward. Differently during the period of Israel's Anointing between the destruction of the first and second temples than afterward. These different administrations of God's dealing with man are called dispensations. Jeff here is alluding to the differing dispensations during the Anointing, when Jesus Christ was active among men in Israel, and the present "church age." The problem for Jeff is that he is wrong. He is reading 1st Corinthians 13: 10, in which Paul states "when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part shall be done away with." His teachers have told him that "that which is perfect" is the Bible in its final canon. But everywhere in the Bible that which is to become perfect is the saints themselves. His teachers aren't getting there any time soon, so they palm the perfection off to the Bible. It is just to excuse and hide their own failings, for having no actual spiritual depth or maturity themselves. They find plenty of ignorant, gullible suckers to follow and pay them for preaching a lifeless Word.

Another big problem here is that the Bible we have is anything but perfect. Not that it was not written perfectly, but what we have nothing like the original Bible. Yes, what we have may follow the Massorite text, but the Massorites kept the original text IN THE MARGINS, the Massorah. The main text they read from and which our translators translated was the EDITED text. Knowing neither the language nor history for beans, not knowing the Massorah, and having a different theology altogether from the Jews, they translated the corrupt, edited text to fit their religious assumptions. When you use the King James, as I do to find passages and to find out what Bullinger has to say, you have to translate it back into the original, ancient meanings -- otherwise you get all screwed up.

Because the Bible is as horribly faulty as we ourselves are, WE NEED SUCH INTERACTION AS GOD'S SPEAKING TO US AND THE OTHER GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT LIKE NEVER BEFORE! And bless God, they are there. You might not want them, Jeff, might not believe them or know how to find or accept them, but not yet being perfect myself (!), I bless God with all my heart for their presence and effectiveness. My God lives here, in me and as me, and none of these things have come to an end. Just because they are not in your world, do not think that they are not in ours. We make our own worlds, Jeff. As God, we make our own worlds.

Onward to For Jeff: Three.


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