Why We Will Never See the Other Time Travel
That is how healing and revision work: you imagine not having the problem as though it never existed, and that past manifests in your future. But many people fantasize about traveling in time to times and places future or past. Probably will never happen. And here is why: the earth is traveling in its spin at about 1000 mph (U.S. miles per hour). And the earth around the sun at 66,000 mph. And the sun is traveling around the Milky Way Galaxy at about 483,000 mph. And our galaxy is traveling through the universe at 1,300,000 mph. To go back in time one hour in exactly the spot you are sitting in, you have to go back to exactly where the spot was one hour ago. Good luck figuring out where that was and hitting it right on the button.
What exactly do you propose for those that have lost loved ones due to senseless acts of violence or other untimely circumstances?
Unknown, at 7:40 AM
What a silly article by someone who clearly does not understand Neviile. Firstly time does not so theearth spinning at yada yadais absolitrly irrelevant. Ive changed the past and seen the rffects, but you cannot prove it aa those around only see the effect. Neville dis it, ive done it
John Peter, at 3:44 AM
John Peter,
Yes, there is the type of time travel you say Neville and others have achieved. I agree with you there. The "Other" type of time travel (you might notice that word in the title) would be the clinical, scientific transmission from the present to a place the earth was or will be in the future or past. We Nevillites might change the image of the past or manifestation in the future by imagination now. But to transmit electrically antenna to antenna from the present to where the earth was or will be means hitting a moving dime from billions of miles away. It would be a pretty good trick if ever done.
When I began seminary I had to learn how to understand what I read in dense, theological texts. Trying to figure out what a person is actually saying is a worthwhile exercise, and patience to achieve it a skill worth cultivating.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:19 PM
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